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BA graduation film "when i bleed" receives award


Blood, shame and cramps - the same thing every month. And now Resa is also in the middle of nature. When she can no longer bear the pain, she joins Freddy and accompanies her to a sensual ritual in nature. Resa dives into her own womb. A search for acceptance and reconciliation with her own body begins.

With the short film "when i bleed", director Miri Klischat attempts to build understanding and empathy for menstruation and further break the taboo of periods.

The team is therefore looking forward to showing the finished film to audiences at film festivals in order to raise awareness of the issue.

Last Friday, "when i bleed" won the prize for the best "andersARTigen" film at the 22nd FILMZ Mainz. And at the end of the month, the film will celebrate its international premiere at the 29th Leuven International Short Film Festival, followed a day later by its NRW premiere at the 33rd Kinofest Lünen.

"when i bleed" is a BA graduation film from Fachhochschule Dortmund, funded by the Film und Medienstiftung NRW, by Miri Klischat (writer & director), Christoph Henke (camera), Felix Georg (production), Nele Gertsen (production design) and Sarah-Laurien Weiher (sound design) with Johanna Schönwald and Carolina Braun in the leading roles.

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Christoph Henke

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