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Action day 8 against 88

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Active against right-wing extremism and for social integration

Every November, the Faculty of Applied Social Studies(Opens in a new tab)  dedicates itself to topics such as right-wing extremism, racism, populism and threats to democracy in the 8 against 88 day of action. The "8" stands for the faculty and "88" for a popular code of the far-right scene ("Heil Hitler").

This year, the day of action is being held under the title "Active against right-wing extremism and for social integration".


  • 10.00 - 10.15 a.m.: Welcome by Prof. Dr. Katja Nowacki (Dean of Department 8)
  • 10.15 - 12.00 a.m.: Lecture by Prof. em. Dr. Wilhelm Heitmeyer
  • 13.00 - 15.00: Market of opportunities with initiatives and projects from Dortmund

Among others, the following initiatives and projects will be guests: Nordstadtliga(Opens in a new tab) , Respekt-Büro(Opens in a new tab) , Train of Hope(Opens in a new tab) , Dietrich-Keuning-Haus(Opens in a new tab) , Grenzenlose Wärme(Opens in a new tab) , Legal Clinic Dortmund e.V.(Opens in a new tab) , Gasthaus(Opens in a new tab) , Bündnis Tag der Solidarität(Opens in a new tab) 



Details of the premises will follow

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