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ENBIS Spring Meeting


The Faculty of Computer Science is hosting this year's ENBIS (European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics) Spring Meeting on "Trustworthy Industrial Data Science".

Aim of the conference

Advanced statistical and machine learning models as well as adaptive and intelligent methods are becoming increasingly important in applied data science. At the same time, their trustworthiness is crucial for the progress and acceptance of data science applications in various fields, especially in industry. This ranges from methods to improve data quality, explainability, robustness and fairness to mathematical reliability guarantees. To discuss these topics in the context of ENBIS, the conference brings together both academic and industrial statisticians interested in theoretical developments and practical applications in trustworthy data science.


Participation is only possible after prior registration!

Contact person



Faculty of Computer Science
Emil-Figge-Straße 42
44227 Dortmund

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