About the person
New anthology in December 2024: "Social advancement through education?"
Möller, Christina/Blome, Frerk/Reuter, Julia (2025, published 11.12.2024): Social advancement through education. Theoretical approaches, empirical insights. Beltz Juventa (Sociological contributions to education). [Print + Open Access].
Academic career stages
from 10/2022: Professor of Sociology (focus on "Social Structure and Social Change") at Fachhochschule Dortmund (Department of Applied Social Sciences)
9/2017-9/2022: Substitute Professor of Sociology at the Fachhochschule Dortmund (Faculty of Applied Social Studies)
2016-2017: Research assistant at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (Sociology) at the University of Paderborn
2015-2016: Substitute Professor for Sociology of Education at the University of Paderborn
2013-2015: Research assistant at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (Sociology) at Paderborn University
2006-2013: Research assistant in research projects at the TU Dortmund University (Center for Higher Education) and between 2006-2008 coordinator in the interdisciplinary research volume "Youth, School and Education Research" at the University of Dortmund
2002-2006: Student assistant at the TU Dortmund University (Center for Higher Education, then 'HDZ')
Academic career
2021: Habilitation in the subject "Social Sciences, Sociology" at the University of Cologne
2014: Doctorate in Sociology at the Technical University of Darmstadt, first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann (grade: "summa cum laude")
2010-2013: Doctoral scholarship holder of the Hans Böckler Foundation as part of the BMBF's scholarship program for gifted students
2000-2006: Degree in education (minor in sociology and psychology) at the University of Dortmund (now TU Dortmund), graduated in June 2006 (grade: "very good").
2000-2000: Studied Educational Science at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (1 semester), then moved to the University of Dortmund (now TU).
1997-1999: Westfalenkolleg Dortmund, acquisition of the general higher education entrance qualification, graduation 12/1999 (grade: 1.3).
First professional career
1994-1997: Telecommunications secretary at Deutsche Telekom AG, Dortmund branch (resigned at own request)
1990-1994: Civil servant career in the middle telecommunications service at the (then) Deutsche Bundespost, Telecommunications Office 1 Dortmund.
1988-1990: Employee of the company mentioned below.
1986-1988: Apprenticeship as an office assistant in a tax consultancy office in Castrop-Rauxel
Reviewer for the journals "Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ZfS)", "Soziale Welt", "Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung" and "Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation (ZSE)"
since 4/2016: Liaison lecturer at the Hans Böckler Foundation
since 2009 : Member of the German Sociological Association (DGS), Section "Education and Upbringing" and Section "Social Inequality and Social Structure Analysis"
since 2024: Member of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA)
7/2018-7/2024: Board member of the "Education and Upbringing" section of the German Sociological Association & co-editor of the "Educational Sociology Series" published by Beltz-Juventa
Research projects
Research projects
from August 2024 (until 12/2026): COOPERATION PROJECT with the University of Tübingen on the topic of "Ambivalent educational advancement - cultural and social science approaches in dialog" (Exploration Funds as part of the Excellence Strategy). Participants: Prof. Dr. Markus Rieger-Ladich (University of Tübingen), Flora Petrik (University of Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Thomas Etzemüller (University of Oldenburg), Prof. Dr. Astrid Franke (University of Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Christian Grabau (FernUniversität in Hagen), Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich (University of Tübingen) & Prof. Dr. Christina Möller (Fachhochschule Dortmund).
since summer 2023: COOPERATION PROJECT with Goethe University Frankfurt and the Institute for Social Research (IfS): "What are the conditions for personal well-being in the academic environment?"
In a research project between the University of Frankfurt am Main, Fachhochschule Dortmund and the Institute for Social Research (IfS), we are investigating what the key factors are for the well-being of academics - and those who are on their way to becoming academics:
What experiences do you have at university and in other academic contexts? And how do these experiences shape your participation in this environment? What role does social background play in this?
Responsible for the project: Max Jansen, Research Associate at the Department of Sociology with a Focus on Empirical Educational Research at Goethe University Frankfurt
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to jansen [at] soz.uni-frankfurt.
June 2013: Collaboration on the study: Riegraf, Birgit/Pilgrim, Irmgard/Reimer, Romy (2013): 'Wege zur Promotion. Study on the underrepresentation of women in doctorates at Paderborn University", headed by Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf, financed by funds from the Rectorate of Paderborn University (contract for work)
Research assistant in the research project "Mobility and Drop-Out of Young Academics", funded by the BMBF, based at the Center for Higher Education (ZHB) of the Technical University of Dortmund)
01.12.2007-28.02.2009: Research assistant in the research project "Knowledge or parenthood? - Childlessness and Employment Conditions at Universities in Germany", funded by the BMBF, based at the Center for Higher Education Didactics (HDZ) at the Technical University of Dortmund
15.04.2007-30.11.2007: Research assistant in the research and development project "Development of a concept for course-related dropout analyses at the University of Dortmund", located at the Center for Higher Education Didactics (HDZ) of the Technical University of Dortmund
15.07.2006-31.12.2006: Research assistant in the research project "Young Parenthood and Academic Careers", funded by the University of Dortmund and the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, based at the University Didactics Center (HDZ) of the Technical University of Dortmund
6 Möller, Christina; Blome, Frerk; Reuter, Julia (eds.)(2024)(in progress; to be published at the end of 2024): Social advancement through education? Theoretical approaches, empirical insights. Beltz-Juventa (Sociological contributions to education)
5 . Reuter, Julia; Gamper, Markus; Möller, Christina; Blome, Frerk (eds.) (2020): From working-class child to professorship. Social advancement in science. Autobiographical notes and sociobiographical analyses(Opens in a new tab)
Bielefeld: transcript
4 . Möller, Christina: Origin (almost) always counts. Social inequalities among university professors(Opens in a new tab)
Beltz-Juventa (2015)
3 . Graf, Angela/Möller, Christina (eds.): Education - Power - Elites. On the reproduction of social inequality (Opens in a new tab)
Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. (2015)
2 . Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Heusgen, Kirsten/Möller, Christina/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra: Karrierefaktor Kind? On generative discrimination in the higher education system (Opens in a new tab)
Barbara Budrich Publishing House, Opladen (2014)
1 . Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Möller, Christina/Auferkorte-Michaelis, Nicole: Science as a way of life - parents unwanted? Childlessness and employment relationships of academic staff at all North Rhine-Westphalian universities(Opens in a new tab)
Barbara Budrich Publishing House, Opladen (2009)
Möller, Christina (2025, ed.): Social inequality. In: Kreft/Mielenz Dictionary of Social Work. 10th edition. Beltz-Juventa.
Blome, Frerk/Möller, Christina/Reuter, Julia (2024, ed.): Social advancement through education? Relevance, research overview and problematizations. In: Möller, Christina/Blome, Frerk/Reuter, Julia (eds.): Social advancement through education? Theoretical approaches, empirical insights. Sociological contributions to education. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz-Juventa.
Möller, Christina (2024, ed.): Social advancement and shame. Compensation and coping patterns of class shame using the example of professors from low-status groups of origin. In: Möller, Christina/Blome, Frerk/Reuter, Julia (eds.): Social advancement through education? Theoretical approaches, empirical insights. Educational sociology series. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz-Juventa.
Möller, Christina/Holtkamp, Max (2023): Classism. On the opportunities and risks of a new term in an old debate and the inclusion of marginalized groups.(Opens in a new tab) In: Borstel, Dierk/Brückmann, Jennifer/Nübold, Laura/Pütter, Bastian/Sonnenberg, Tim (eds.): Handbuch Wohnungs- und Obdachlosigkeit. VS-Verlag. First online publication.
Böning, Anja/Blome, Frerk/Möller, Christina (2021): From collective to individualized ascent? Biographical narratives of law professors from low-status families of origin in transition. Journal for the Sociology of Law 40 (1-2), pp. 179-208.
Möller, Christina/Gamper, Markus/Reuter, Julia/Blome, Frerk (2020): From working-class child to professorship. Social relevance, empirical findings and sociobiographical reflections.(Opens in a new tab) In: Reuter, Julia/Gamper, Markus/Möller, Christina/Blome, Frerk (eds.): From working-class child to professorship. Social advancement in science. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 9-63.
Böning, Anja/Möller, Christina (2019): "Well, I actually more or less stumbled into everything" - Social mobility to university professorships using the example of law, social sciences and education scholars. In: Stamm, Margrit (ed.) (2019): Working-class children and their fear of advancement. Problems and opportunities for young people on the way to the top. Budrich-Verlag, Opladen, pp. 61-87.
Blome, Frerk/Möller, Christina/Böning, Anja (2019): Open House? Class-Specific Career Opportunities at German Universities.(Opens in a new tab) Social Inclusion, Volume 6, Issue 4 (Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal)
Möller, Christina/Böning, Anja (2018): Ambivalent Processes in the Status Passages from Studies to Professorship: On the Parallelism of Social Opening and Closure at the University. Journal for the Sociology of Education and Socialization (ZSE), (38) 3, pp. 234-249.
Möller, Christina (2018): Precarious careers and the illusion of equal opportunities. In: Laufenberg, Mike/Erlemann, Martina/Norkus, Maria/Petschick, Grit (eds.): Precarious equality. Gender equality, social inequality and insecure working conditions in science. Springer-VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 257-278.
Möller, Christina (2017): Internationality and social inequality. Professors with a migration biography at university. In: Internationalisierung, Vielfalt und Inklusion in der Wissenschaft(Opens in a new tab) (IVI) 3/2017, UniversitätsVerlagWebler (UVW), Bielefeld, pp.75-85 (unaltered reprint of the essay of the same name in the anthology Neusel/Wolter in Campus-Verlag, see below).
Möller, Christina (2017): Internationality and social inequality. Professors with a migration biography at university. In: Neusel, Aylâ/Wolter, Andrä (eds.): Mobile Wissenschaft. From the internationalization of the university to transnational science(Opens in a new tab) . University and Society series. Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt/M., pp. 311-332.
Möller, Christina (2017): The influence of social origin in the professoriate: developments - differentiations - intersectional perspectives(Opens in a new tab) . In: Gengnagel, Vincent/Hamann, Julian/Hirschfeld, Alexander/Maeße, Jens (eds.): Macht in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Discourse and field analytical perspectives. Springer-VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 113-137.
Möller, Christina (2017): Limited opportunities. The illusion of equal opportunities on the path to a university professorship(Opens in a new tab) . In: Rieger-Ladich, Markus/Grabau, Christian (eds.): Pierre Bourdieu. Pedagogical readings. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 63-81.
Reitz, Tilman/Graf, Angela/Möller, Christina (2016): Not worthy of funding. Why the evaluation of the Excellence Initiative speaks against its continuation(Opens in a new tab) . In: sub/urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtsoziologie (4) 2, pp. 9-20.
Möller, Christina (2016): Social selections from studies to professorship. The significance of social background in academic careers. In: Lange-Vester, Andrea/Sander, Tobias (eds.): Social inequality, milieus and habitus in higher education(Opens in a new tab) . Beltz-Juventa, Weinheim and Basel, pp. 287-302.
Graf, Angela/Möller, Christina (2015): Introduction. In: Graf, Angela/Möller, Christina (eds.): Education - Power - Elites. On the reproduction of social inequality(Opens in a new tab) . Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 9-16.
Möller, Christina (2015): Social background - not an issue in academic careers. On the connections between the inequality dimensions of social and national origin and gender among professors. In: Graf,
Angela/Möller, Christina (eds.): Education - Power - Elites. On the reproduction of social inequality(Opens in a new tab) . Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 152-179.
Möller, Christina (2015): On the symbolic reproduction of an animal-destroying culture. An analysis of the power of advertising and how it turns animals into commodities(Opens in a new tab) . In: Brucker, Renate/Bujok, Melanie/Mütherich, Birgit/Seeliger, Martin/Thieme, Frank (eds.): The human-animal relationship. A social science introduction. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 269-297.
Möller, Christina (2013): How open is the university professorship for social climbers? Explorative analyses of the social background of professors at North Rhine-Westphalian universities(Opens in a new tab) . In: Soziale Welt 4, 64. Jhrg., S. 341-359 (nominated for the Fritz Thyssen Prize for Social Science Articles 2013).
Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Möller, Christina/Schürmann, Ramona/Heusgen, Kirsten (2013): Science instead of parenthood? The influence of employment conditions on the decision of academic staff to become parents. In: Gützkow, Frauke/Quaißer, Gunter (eds.): Shaping the university - food for thought on the tension between differences and inequality. UniversitätsVerlag Webler, Bielefeld, pp. 75-95.
Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Heusgen, Kirsten/Möller, Christina (2012): In the corset of time. Generative decisions in the academic life context. In: Bertram, Hans/Bujard, Martin (eds.): Time, money, infrastructure - on the future of family policy. Special volume 19 of Soziale Welt. Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 239-258.
Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Möller, Christina/Heusgen, Kirsten (2012): Kollisionen - Wissenschaftler/innen zwischen Qualifizierung, Prekarisierung und Generativität. In: Beaufays, Sandra/Engels, Anita /Kahlert, Heike (eds.): Simply top? New gender perspectives on careers in science(Opens in a new tab) . Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 233-256.
Möller, Christina (2011): Academic mid-level staff - privileged and precarious? In: Journal Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW, 28/2011, 41-49.
Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Heusgen, Kirsten/Möller, Christina/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra (2011): Generative decisions and precarious employment conditions of academic staff at universities. In: Femina Politica, Journal for Feminist Political Science, H. 1, vol. 20, 166-172.
Möller, Christina (2011): Social background of young academics - parental education and career paths of the female fellows of the Research Training Group "Gender Relations and Social Change". In: Wergen, Jutta (ed.): From research to promotion: doctoral candidates in the view of universities. Series Education - University - Innovation, Volume 11. LIT-Verlag, Münster, pp. 85-103.
Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Heusgen, Kirsten/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra/Möller, Christina (2010): In search of the lost offspring. Mobility and drop-out of young academics. In: Journal Hochschuldidaktik, H., pp. 14-17.
Heusgen, Kirsten/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra/Möller, Christina (2010): The next generation of academics in the offside trap? Effects of employment conditions on the parenthood of researchers. In: Bauschke-Urban, Carola/Kamphans, Marion/Sagebiel, Felicitas (eds.): Subversion and Intervention. Science and gender (dis)order. Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, pp. 179-199.
Möller, Christina/Metz-Göckel, Sigrid (2009): Scientific culture provokes childlessness. Study on parenthood among researchers at universities in NRW. In: Journal Netzwerk Frauenforschung NRW, H. 25, pp. 27-29.
Möller, Christina (2009): Academic careers and the role of social background - Parental education and career paths of the female fellows of the Research Training Group "Gender Relations and Social Change". In gesis (ed.): Social Science Information Service (soFid), Women's and Gender Studies 1, pp. 11-21.
Zimmermann, Karin/Möller, Christina/Zupanic, Michaela/Heusgen, Kirsten (2008): Tracking down the "dropout" of students. In: Journal Hochschuldidaktik, 19, H. 2, pp. 21-23.
Möller, Christina (2006): Doctorate - and what afterwards? Results of a follow-up study on the female doctoral students of the DFG Research Training Group "Gender Relations and Social Change - Women's Scope for Action and Power of Definition". In: Journal Netzwerk Frauenforschung NRW H. 21, pp. 45-49.
Auferkorte-Michaelis, Nicole/Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Wergen, Jutta/Klein, Annette. In collaboration with Möller, Christina/Kociemba, Elisabeth (2005): Young parenthood and academic careers. How child-friendly are science and universities? In: Journal for Women's Studies & Gender Studies, H. 4, pp. 14-24
Other publications
Other publications
1 Möller, Christina (2023): Working-class child or "daughter from a good home"? Origin and gender (almost) always count.(Opens in a new tab) Statement in the conference documentation of the Gender Congress 2023, Geschlechter(un)gleichheit an Hochschulen; published by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, pp. 73-77
2 Möller, Christina (2021) "Sozialer Aufstieg als Irritation der sozialen Ordnung. Analysen im Feld der Bildung und Wissenschaft zwischen Individuum und Struktur"(Opens in a new tab) Publication-based habilitation thesis for the attainment of teaching qualification in the field of sociology at the University of Cologne in 2021.
3 Möller, Christina/Graf, Angela (2021): Social advancement under difficult conditions. On the relationship between social background and academic careers(Opens in a new tab) . In: #IchbinHanna - A hashtag against the law on temporary academic contracts. Documentation of the GEW symposium and active networking on July 1, 2021. ed. and published by GEW, pp. 33-36.
4 Möller, Christina (2018): Diverse professorship? Intersectional findings using the example of universities in North Rhine-Westphalia(Opens in a new tab) , In: CEWSjournal No. 114, pp. 67-70 [Journal of the Competence Center Women in Science and Research of gesis - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne
5 Möller, Christina (2017): Equalized classlessness? A plea for an integrative concept of equal opportunities in scientific careers. In: humboldt equal opportunities. Diversity as responsibility (December 2017) 9th year, p. 26-28.
6 Möller, Christina (2016): Passungsverhältnisse im Bildungssystem - Beiträge zur theoretischen und empirischen Systematisierung einer Forschungsheuristik. Report on the spring conference of the section "Bildung und Erziehung" on 08/09/05/2015 in Marburg. In: Sociology. Journal of the German Sociological Association, Volume 44, Issue 1/2016.
7. van Dyk, Silke/Möller, Christina/Reitz, Tilman (2016): Vertical differentiation. Knowledge devaluation through status competition, in: Forschung & Lehre 5, pp. 302-303.
8 Graf, Angela/Möller, Christina (2015): Wissenschaft und Politik - Interview with Michael Hartmann, Waldbronn near Karlsruhe on 16.03.2015, in: Graf, Angela/Möller, Christina (eds.). Education - Power - Elites. On the reproduction of social inequality. Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 287-322.
9 Möller, Christina (2014): A working-class child to a professorship? Academic careers and social background. In: Research & Teaching 6, pp. 372-374.
10 Lengersdorf, Diana/Mense, Lisa/Möller, Christina/Schäfer, Sabine (2012): Thinking beyond the margins. Interdisciplinary perspectives on gender research. Conference report on the workshop of the Mittelbau network on 16.11.2012 at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In: Journal Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW 31, pp. 47-48.
11 Möller, Christina (2011): Mid-level academic staff - privileged and precarious? In: Journal Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW, 28/2011, 41-49.
12 Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Heusgen, Kirsten/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra/Möller, Christina (2010): In search of the lost offspring. Mobility and drop-out of young academics. In: Journal Hochschuldidaktik, H., pp. 14-17.
13 Möller, Christina/Metz-Göckel, Sigrid (2009): Academic culture provokes childlessness. Study on parenthood among researchers at universities in NRW. In: Journal Netzwerk Frauenforschung NRW, H. 25, pp. 27-29.
14 Möller, Christina (2009): Academic careers and the role of social background - Parental education and career paths of the female fellows of the Research Training Group "Gender Relations and Social Change". In gesis (ed.): Sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst (soFid), Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung 1, pp. 11-21.
15 Zimmermann, Karin/Möller, Christina/Zupanic, Michaela/Heusgen, Kirsten (2008): Tracking down the "dropout" of students. In: Journal Hochschuldidaktik, 19, H. 2, pp. 21-23.
16 Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Möller, Christina (2008): "Elternschaft und Wissenschaftskarriere" - Eine empirische Studie zur Kinderlosigkeit und Elternschaft der Wissenschaftler/innen an den nordrhein-westfälischen Universitäten. In: Hannover Medical School: Best Practice - Family-friendly universities in Lower Saxony. Documentation of the conference on May 30, 2007 at the Hannover Medical School, pp. 11-13.
17 Zimmermann, Karin/Metz-Göckel, Sigrid. In collaboration with Gehrmann, Britta/Massner, Jut- ta/Möller, Christina and Schäfer, Sabine (2007): "Vision und Mission" - Die Integration von Gender in den Mainstream europäischer Forschung. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
18 Zimmermann, Karin/Heusgen, Kirsten/Möller, Christina/Zupanic, Michaela (2007): Study program-related dropout analyses. Concept, results and recommendations for the Technical University of Dortmund - project report. Dortmund: University Didactics Center.
19 Möller, Christina (2006): Doctorate - and what afterwards? Results of a follow-up study on the female doctoral candidates of the DFG Research Training Group "Gender Relations and Social Change - Women's Scope for Action and Defining Power". In: Journal Netzwerk Frauenforschung NRW H. 21, pp. 45-49.
20 Auferkorte-Michaelis, Nicole/Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Wergen, Jutta/Klein, Annette. With the collaboration of Möller, Christina/Kociemba, Elisabeth (2005): Young parenthood and academic careers. How child-friendly are science and universities? In: Journal for Women's Studies & Gender Studies, H. 4, pp. 14-24.
21 Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Eichler, Susanne/Grefer, Anne/Möller, Christina/Schütte, Gaby (2002): Projekt Kooperationsformen und -strukturen von Runden Tischen/Arbeitskreisen zum Abbau häuslicher Gewalt in NRW. Ergebnisse einer Bestandsaufnahme, published by the Ministry of Health, Social Affairs, Women and Family of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Expert opinions
1 Heusgen, Kirsten/Koch, Dorothee/Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Möller, Christina/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra (2013): Fluctuation and mobility in university mid-level staff. In: Consortium Federal Report on Early Career Researchers: Federal Report on Early Career Researchers (BuWiN). Statistical data and research findings on doctoral candidates and doctoral graduates in Germany, Bielefeld, pp. 238-242.
2 Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Heusgen, Kirsten/Möller, Christina/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra (2011): Employment conditions and parenthood among academic staff at higher education institutions (universities and universities of applied sciences) in the state of Lower Saxony. Expertise for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture.
3 Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Heusgen, Kirsten/Möller, Christina/Schürmann, Ramona/Selent, Petra (2010): Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Employment conditions and childlessness of researchers in 2006 and 1998. Expertise for the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
4 Metz-Göckel, Sigrid/Selent, Petra/Schürmann, Ramona/Möller, Christina/Heusgen, Kirsten (2009): Arbeitsplatz Hochschule. Gender, employment relationships and childlessness among academic staff at universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany. Expertise for the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Federal Government, Dortmund 15.12.2009; results published in: "Neue Wege - Gleiche Chancen. Equality of women and men in the course of life". Report by the Expert Commission to the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth for the Federal Government's first Gender Equality Report, January 2011.
Lectures and podium appearances
Lectures and podium appearances
Panel discussion "University experience: From first semester to professorship" as part of the lecture series "Advancement through education? First Gen at the University - Experiencing - Telling - Explaining" (with Barbara Friebertshäuser and Sylvi Mauermeister) at the University of Wuppertal on 15.01.2025, 14.15-15.45 (presence and via Zoom)
"Educational advancement and 2nd educational pathway (working title)", experiences and findings from (educational) advancement research, Kommende Dortmund Brackel on 06.11.2024
"Social advancement through education? Problems and problematization of (educational) advancement research" (together with Julia Reuter) at the section conference of the German Sociological Association on 24.09.2024 in Osnabrück (successful paper submission).
"Experiences of educational advancement. Eine mutgebende Lesung"; reading from autobiographical notes, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, First Generation Doctorate, Erfurt on 15.06.2024 (by invitation)
"This path will not be easy. Educational advancements in science". Lecture at the workshop for doctoral candidates at the Institute of Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität Berlin on 24.04.2024 (by invitation)
Experience report as a Fachhochschule Dortmund professor at the career forum of the TU Dortmund University on 18.03.2024 (by invitation)
"From working-class child to professorship? The power of social background" Lecture at the CHESS Competence Center for Higher Education and Science Studies at the University of Zurich on 30.03.2023 (by invitation) Video of the lecture (Opens in a new tab)
"Arbeiterkind oder 'Tochter aus gutem Hause': Herkunft und Geschlecht zählen (fast) immer", keynote speech in the workshop "Antidiskriminierung und Gleichstellung" at the GENDER-Kongress "Geschlechter(un-)gerechtigkeiten an Hochschulen" at Ruhr-Universität Bochum on 09.02.2023, organized by the NRW-Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft, carried out by the Koordinationsstelle des Netzwerks Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW (by invitation)
"Classism and social shame. Sociological perspectives on an everyday phenomenon", lecture at the 'Kolloquium für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte/Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte' at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Essen on 05.12.2022 (18.00-20.00) (by invitation)
"Education through advancement", discussion between Prof. Dr. Aladin El-Mafaalani and myself on 13.11.2022, 16-18.00 at Taranta Babu Dortmund, organized and financed by Chancenwerk e.V. (by invitation)
"Soziale Herkunft und andere Ungleichheiten in der Wissenschaft", lecture in the ad hoc group "Gesellschaftliche Polarisierungen in der Soziologie? Intersectional perspectives on the scientific field" at the 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association in Bielefeld on 30.09.2022 (by invitation)
"Von der Illusion der Chancengleichheit an der Hochschule", short lecture at the international congress of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosohie (GAP.11) on 14.09.2022 in Berlin (by invitation)
"On the wrong track. Sociobiographical thoughts on the rise from secondary school to university", lecture as part of the Studium Generale lecture series "Wie wurde ich Professor*in" at the University of Tübingen on 31.05.2022 (by invitation)
"Klasse und Klassismus in der Wissenschaft" lecture at the research colloquium of the Department of Political Sociology at the University of Jena on 06.12.2021 (by invitation)
"Inequalities in scientific careers. What role do 'class, race & gender' play and what kind of demarcations do they go hand in hand with?" Keynote at the doccolloq of the University of Trier on 3.12.2021 (digital) (by invitation)
Panel discussant at the conference "Herkunft macht Karrieren" at the University of Cologne on 15.06.2021 (digital) (by invitation)
Panelist on the topic "Social inequality at universities - How does class make itself felt in the academic world?" at the institute colloquium "Wiederkehr der Klasse? (New) cultural studies perspectives on social inequality" at the University of Tübingen on 20.05.2021 (digital) (by invitation)
"Herkunft schafft Karrieren - oder vom Aufstieg in der Wissenschaft" Opening lecture at the PhD Day of the Hamburg Research Academy in Hamburg on 15.04.2021 (digital) (by invitation)
"Origin (almost) always counts. The influence of social background in higher education" at the doctoral student exchange "Doing a doctorate in times of Corona: Studied first - did your doctorate first?" at TU Dortmund University on 18.02.2021 (digital) (by invitation)
"Origin (almost) always counts. The influence of social background in higher education. Lecture at the conference "Soziale Herkunft im Wissenschaftskontext" of the "Diversity-Netzwerk an Hochschulen" on 3.12.2020 (digital) (by invitation)
"Social closure of a privileged profession - and how to stop it". Presentation at the workshop "Diversity in the science system" of the German Research Foundation (DFG) on 25.11.2020 (digital) (by invitation)
"Arbeiterkinder an den Hochschulen - damals und heute" at the 10th anniversary celebration of Arbeiterkind.de Bochum at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum on 08.11.2019 (by invitation) and panel participation in a panel of the same name
"The myth of equal opportunities? Social background and academic career", lecture on 14.02.2019 at the University of Osnabrück as part of the event series of the Center for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs at the University of Osnabrück (by invitation)
Panelist at the discussion event "Alma Mater, wo bleiben deine Frauen. University promotion of women put to the test" of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Office on 07.02.2019 at the University of Mainz (by invitation)
"The challenge of educational advancement? Als Arbeiterkind zum Professor", lecture at an event organized by the City of Hagen on 25.09.2018 (together with Prof. Dr. Ahmet Toprak) (by invitation)
"Diverse professorship? Findings using the example of North Rhine-Westphalia", lecture at the symposium "Diversity in higher education. Study. Teaching. Personalentwicklung" on July 5, 2018 at the Rheinisch-Westfälisch-Technische Hochschule Aachen (by invitation).
"As a working-class child to a professorship? Analyses and challenges for a social opening", lecture at the Young Academy of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts in Düsseldorf on 21.06.2018 (by invitation)
"Who becomes a professor?" Lecture at the symposium "Bildungsaufstieg und Aufstiegsangst" at the Congress of the German Society for Educational Sciences (DGfE) 2018 at the University of Duisburg-Essen on 19.03.2018 (by invitation).
"Academic careers - what can we expect?" Lecture at the symposium of the Graduate Center of the Fachhochschule Dortmund on 24.11.2017 at the Fachhochschule Dortmund and panel discussion on the topic "Career paths after the doctorate" (by invitation).
Discussant at the panel discussion "Gender and Diversity - Chancen(un)gleichheit in Wissenschaftskarrieren und Exzellenzentwicklung" at the kick-off event of the ProFiL program of the TU Berlin, the Humboldt University and the FU Berlin on 04.10.2017 at the TU Berlin (by invitation).
"As a working-class child to a professorship?" Keynote at the workshop 'Diversity in Transition: University - Academic Career' of the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia on 20.02.2017 in Cologne (by invitation).
"Social closure of a privileged profession. Die zunehmende Bedeutung der sozialen Herkunft in der Professor*innenschaft" lecture as part of the ad hoc group (together with Dr. Angela Graf (TU Munich), Dr. Alexander Lenger (University of Freiburg) and Dr. Christian Schneickert (University of Magdeburg)) "Wissenschaft - eine geschlossene Gesellschaft?" at the 38th Congress of the German Sociological Association in Bamberg from 26-30.09.2016 (successful ad hoc group application).
"Academic careers and social inequality. Wer wird Professor/in?", lecture at the sociological colloquium at the University of Hildesheim on 22.06.2016 (by invitation).
"Soziale Ungleichheiten in der Professorenschaft" as part of the research colloquium of the German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hanover on 14.06.2016 (by invitation).
"Science - an increasingly closed society?" Lecture in the lecture "Social Change" at the University of Cologne on 06.06.2016 (by invitation).
"Climbing up - Bildungsmobilität aus unteren Sozialschichten zur Universitätsprofessur am Beispiel von Rechts-, Sozial- und ErziehungswissenschaftlerInnen" (with Dr. Anja Böning) on 02./03.06.2016 at the Spring Conference of the Education and Training Section of the German Sociological Association in Essen (successful paper submission).
"Academic careers and social inequality. Who becomes a professor?" Presentation at the Doctoral Forum of the Foundation of German Business Studies in Gollwitz near Brandenburg/Havel on January 29, 2016 (by invitation).
"Strukturwandel, Prekarisierung und die Illusion der Chancengleichheit", keynote speech at the Research Day of Educational Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and panelist at the public discussion "Die Frankfurter Erziehungswissenschaften im Spiegel von Strukturwandel und Prekarisierung" on 26.01.2016 (by invitation).
"Diversity among university professors. Soziale Herkunft, Geschlecht, Migration", lecture at the event series "Bestellt - und nicht abgeholt? Social background and educational advancement at universities. All equal Different! - Diversity in Theory and Practice" of the Diversity Network of the University of Göttingen (Institute for Diversity Research, Center for Gender Studies, Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Göttingen and the Diversity Management of the Department of Studies and Teaching) on 13.01.2016 (by invitation).
"Education for all? The influence of social background on educational opportunities in Germany" at the Profile Day of the Center for Educational Research and Teacher Training at Paderborn University on 25.11.2015 (by invitation).
"Social selections on the way to professorship. Zur Bedeutung der sozialen Herkunft in universitären Wissenschaftskarrieren" at the public workshop of the Higher Education Policy Working Group of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) "Die Illusion der Chancengleichheit: Karrieremöglichkeiten im Wissenschaftsbetrieb" in Hanover on 27.11.2016 (by invitation).
"How accessible is the Professorship for Social Risers?" 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association "Differences, Inequalities and the Sociological Imagination" in Prague/Czech Republic from August 25-28, 2015 (successful paper submission).
"Der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft in der Professorenschaft: Entwicklungen, Differenzierungen, intersektionale Perspektiven" at the university-public conference "Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Power, discourse and field analytical perspectives" at the University of Bonn on 31.07.2015 (successful paper submission).
"Soziale Aufstiege zur Uni-Professur - ein Auslaufmodell?" as part of the Sociological Colloquium at the University of Duisburg-Essen on 08.07.2015 (by invitation).
"Origin (almost) always counts. The social background of university lecturers and possible influences on research and teaching" at the university-public conference "Social inequalities, milieus and habitus in university studies" at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts on 20.02.2015 (by invitation).
"Verführung zum Genuss am toten Tier - Eine Analyse zur Wirkmacht der Werbeindustrie und wie sie aus Tieren Ware macht" as part of the public environmental policy theme week at TU Berlin on 30.01.2015 (by invitation).
"Soziale Aufstiege zur Professur - ein Auslaufmodell?", lecture as part of the university public lecture series "Hochschule für alle oder Elitenbildung?" at the University of Münster on 04.12.2014 (by invitation).
"As a working-class child to a professorship? Die soziale Herkunft von Universitätsprofessorinnen und -professoren", opening lecture as part of the interdisciplinary public lecture series "Bildung und soziale Ungleichheit. Social challenge and design" at Paderborn University on 05.11.2014.
"Als Aufsteiger/in zur Universitätsprofessur?", lecture at the 8th GEW Science Conference "Im Spannungsfeld von Expansion und Exklusion: Übergänge im Hochschulsystem", October 8-11, 2014 in Haltern am See (by invitation).
"Als Arbeiterkind zur Professur?", lecture at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Freiburg on 09.07.2014 as part of the Collaborative Research Center "Muße" (by invitation).
"Soziale Ungleichheitsregime in der Universitätsprofessorenschaft" Keynote speech at the university conference "Potenzial Vielfalt oder hinderliches Defizit? Dimensions of social inequality and their significance for the career paths of academics" at HAW Hamburg on 5-6 June 2014, organized by the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hans Böckler Foundation and Friedrich Ebert Foundation (by invitation).
"How open is the university professorship for social climbers?" Presentation at the international congress "Educational Inequality and Justice - Academic and Social Challenges" in Bern/Switzerland on July 3, 2012 (successful paper submission).
"On the symbolic reproduction of an animal-destroying culture. An analysis of the power of the advertising industry and how it turns animals into commodities". Lecture as part of the university public lecture series "Es sind doch nur Tiere!?" at the University of Hamburg on December 14, 2010 (by invitation).
"Academic mid-level staff - precarious and/or privileged?" Lecture at the workshop "Prekarisierungsprozesse im Mittelbau - Theoretische Konzepte und praktische Herausforderungen" of the Netzwerk Frauenforschung NRW at the TU Dortmund on 01.12.2010 (by invitation).
"Risks and ill-considered side effects: Academic careers and childlessness" at the university-public symposium "Science and gender. Careers and barriers on the way to the top" at the University of Hamburg on 18/19.02.2010 (by invitation, together with Kirsten Heusgen).
"Young academics without young academics? Employment relationships at universities and their consequences for generative decisions", regional conference of the German Sociological Association (DGS): Strukturwandel zu Metropolen? Organization - Culture - Production on 29.09.2009 at the Ruhr University Bochum (successful paper submission).
"Science as a way of life - parents unwanted?" Lecture as part of the public lecture series 'Nur wer das Ziel kennt, findet den Weg' at the University of Mannheim on 26.05.2009 (by invitation, together with Kirsten Heusgen).
"Soziale Herkunft und Berufserfolg der Kollegiatinnen des Graduiertenkollegs 'Geschlechter-verhältnis und sozialer Wandel'" at the university public conference 'Wagnis Wissenschaft. Perspectives on doctoral promotion and research' at the Technical University of Dortmund on November 6, 2008 (successful paper submission).
"Results of the study 'Doctorate - and what afterwards?' - Whereabouts of female doctoral candidates of the Research Training Group 'Gender Relations and Social Change'" at the DFG meeting of female doctoral candidates on July 18, 2008 at the Technical University of Dortmund (by invitation).
"Elternschaft und Wissenschaftskarriere - Eine empirische Studie zur Kinderlosigkeit und El-ternschaft der Wissenschaftler/innen an den nordrhein-westfälischen Universitäten" at the university-public conference 'Best Practice - Familiengerechte Hochschulen in Niedersachsen' at the Hannover Medical School on May 30, 2007 (by invitation, together with Sigrid Metz-Göckel).
Media contributions
Media contributions
20.09.2022, didacta - the education podcast: From working-class child to professorship: How fair is our education system? (available on Spotify(Opens in a new tab) , Apple Podcast(Opens in a new tab) , Amazon Music(Opens in a new tab) , Deezer(Opens in a new tab) , Tunein(Opens in a new tab) , Podcast.de(Opens in a new tab) , Google Podcast(Opens in a new tab) )
27.01.2022, Deutschlandradio, broadcast: Aus Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, topic: "Classism as a form of discrimination. A theoretical search for traces"(Opens in a new tab) (interview excerpts)
12.07.2021, Freies Radio Wüste Welle: Recordings of the (online) event "Von den Hürden des Bildungsaufstiegs"(Opens in a new tab) Christina Möller and Markus Rieger-Ladich at the University of Tübingen
17.01.2021, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS),"Ich habe mich dumm gefühlt(Opens in a new tab) " by Katrin Hummel, p. 11, (interview excerpts on the topic of social selectivity and social advancement). (paywall)
04.01.2021, ORF 1, science series "Dimensions", Vienna (Austria): Radio report (interview excerpts) on the topic "From the workbench to the pulpit - advancement in the sciences" (25 min.)
04.01.2021: Accompanying text to the radio report:"Frau Professor aus dem Arbeitermilieu?(Opens in a new tab) " Science ORF. (Opens in a new tab)
08.12.2020, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Essen: "Wie es ein Arbeiterkind schafft, Medizin zu studieren" - Interview excerpt, Text: Niklas Bessenbach.
07.10.2020, Hertz 87,9 (Radio of Bielefeld University):"When it comes to educational opportunities, social class is much more powerful than gender(Opens in a new tab) " - Interview: (23 min.)
14.09.2020, MOMENT.at (Austria): Advancement in science: "We are a long way from equal opportunities for working-class children(Opens in a new tab) " - Interview, Text: Katharina Egg, Momentum Institute
03.09.2020, vorwärts.de: Working-class children in science. The tendency towards social closure is increasing(Opens in a new tab) . Interview.
5/2020, DUZ (magazine for science and society): "Aus einfachen Verhältnissen". Interview excerpts from our own research on the social background of researchers and social advancement in science. Text: Anja Schreiber. S. 64-66.
14.07.2020, taz, "Book from working-class child to professorship: Lifelong insecurity(Opens in a new tab) "
03.06.2020, Ruhrbarone.de."In our society, social background plays a major role in educational and career opportunities(Opens in a new tab) "
02.06.2020, Deutschlandfunk, Program: Campus und Karriere; "Sozialer Aufstieg in den Wissenschaften Teil 1" Interview on the publication of the volume"Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur. Social advancement inscience(Opens in a new tab) " as co-editor. (4 min.)
16.05.2020, Nordstadtblogger (Dortmund),"You have no chance, so use it". Contribution to the edited volume "Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur. Social advancement in science" (ed. Julia Reuter/Markus Gamper, Christina Möller, Frerk Blome)
26.01.2019, Times Higher Education: "Working class 'increasingly excluded' from German academia. Since the 1970s, an increasingly competitive job market has come to advantage the already privileged" (by David Matthews)
13.01.2016, Helmholtz Association, Science Policy (online). "There is no elite without competition! In Germany, social background has a decisive influence on who becomes a professor, who rises to top scientific positions and who does not." (Guest commentary by Dr. Anja Kühne)
December 2015, Education & Science (E&W). Magazine of the education union GEW. "In the hands of the elites. A very good social background helps on the way to a professorship - and even more so when making the leap into the academic ultra-elite." (Guest article by Dr. Anja Kühne), p. 32.
30.09.2015, Tagesspiegel (print and online): "Best career opportunities for the privileged. Nowhere does social background play a greater role than in the appointment to a junior professorship. That is a fatal signal." (own guest article)
June 2015, Co-determination. Das Magazin der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung: "Schlechte Karten für Aufsteiger" (Martin Kaluza), (review of the book Christina Möller "Herkunft zählt (fast) immer" and Angela Graf "Die Wissenschaftselite Deutschlands.")
10.06.2015, DocCheck.com: "Pathways to medical studies: A closed society?" (Jakob Simmank)
05.05.2015, Socialnet - Reviews: "Christina Möller: Origin (almost) always counts." (Prof. Dr. Uwe Helmert)
02/03/04/2015, Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Willkommen in der Ständegesellschaft 2.0" (Alex Rühle) (no longer online) + reader commentary "Eine Frage der Herkunft" (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Damm)
11.02.2015, Telepolis: "Hand-picked professors. Why social background is the most important factor in a university career" (Rudolf Stumberger).
14/15/02/2015, TAZ Beruf & Qualifikation, p. 33: "The middle classes keep to themselves" (Martin Kaluza)
02.07.2014: Böckler-Impuls: "An der Uni lehrt die Oberschicht" (without indication of an author)
04.06.2014, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "From an exclusive home?" (Gerald Wagner)
04.06.2014, Spiegel-Online: "ElitärerZirkel: Professoren sind selten Arbeiterkinder" (no author given)
15.03.2014, Neues Deutschland: "The illusion of educational advancement" (Jens Wernicke)
10.03.2014, Kritische Nachdenkseiten: "The illusion ofeducationaladvancement" (Jens Wernicke)
04.03.2014, Zeit-Online: "Professors come from the highest class" (Anja Kühne)
03.03.2014, Tagesspiegel: "science(Opens in a new tab) " as co-editor. (4 min.)
16.05.2020, Nordstadtblogger (Dortmund),"You have no chance, so use it(Opens in a new tab) ". Contribution to the edited volume "Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur. Social advancement in science" (ed. Julia Reuter/Markus Gamper, Christina Möller, Frerk Blome) (Opens in a new tab)
26.01.2019, Times Higher Education: "Working class 'increasingly excluded' from German academia. Since the 1970s, an increasingly competitive job market has come to advantage the already privileged" (by David Matthews)(Opens in a new tab)
13.01.2016, Helmholtz Association, Science Policy (online). "There is no elite without competition! In Germany, social background has a decisive influence on who becomes a professor, who rises to top scientific positions and who does not." (Guest commentary by Dr. Anja Kühne)
December 2015, Education & Science (E&W). Magazine of the education union GEW. "In the hands of the elites. A very good social background helps on the way to a professorship - and even more so when making the leap into the academic ultra-elite." (Guest article by Dr. Anja Kühne), p. 32.
30.09.2015, Tagesspiegel (print and online): "Best career opportunities for the privileged. Nowhere does social background play a greater role than in the appointment to a junior professorship. That is a fatal signal(Opens in a new tab) ." (own guest article)
June 2015, Co-determination. Das Magazin der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung: "Schlechte Karten für Aufsteiger" (Martin Kaluza), (review of the book Christina Möller "Herkunft zählt (fast) immer" and Angela Graf "Die Wissenschaftselite Deutschlands.")
10.06.2015, DocCheck.com: "Pathways to medical studies: A closed society?(Opens in a new tab) " (Jakob Simmank)
05.05.2015, Socialnet - Reviews: "Christina Möller: Origin (almost) always counts.(Opens in a new tab) " (Prof. Dr. Uwe Helmert)
02/03/04/2015, Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Willkommen in der Ständegesellschaft 2.0" (Alex Rühle) (no longer online) + reader commentary "Eine Frage der Herkunft(Opens in a new tab) " (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Damm) (Opens in a new tab)
11.02.2015, Telepolis: "Hand-picked professors. Why social background is the most important factor in a university career(Opens in a new tab) " (Rudolf Stumberger). (Opens in a new tab)
14/15/02/2015, TAZ Beruf & Qualifikation, p. 33: "The middle classes keep to themselves(Opens in a new tab) " (Martin Kaluza)
02.07.2014: Böckler-Impuls: "An der Uni lehrt die Oberschicht(Opens in a new tab) " (without indication of an author)
04.06.2014, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "From an exclusive home?(Opens in a new tab) " (Gerald Wagner)
04.06.2014, Spiegel-Online: "Elitärer(Opens in a new tab) Zirkel: Professoren sind selten Arbeiterkinder" (no author given)
15.03.2014, Neues Deutschland: "The illusion of educational advancement(Opens in a new tab) " (Jens Wernicke)
10.03.2014, Kritische Nachdenkseiten: "The illusion ofeducational(Opens in a new tab) advancement" (Jens Wernicke)
04.03.2014, Zeit-Online: "Professors come from the highest class(Opens in a new tab) " (Anja Kühne) (Opens in a new tab)
03.03.2014, Tagesspiegel: "The subtle differences make the professor(Opens in a new tab) " (Anja Kühne)
Teaching content
Social structure and social inequality; social mobility/social advancement; sociology of education; classism; group-based misanthropy; social change/social transformations; socio-ecological sustainability