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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund




On the death of university councillor Jutta Reiter


Jutta Reiter has been a member of Fachhochschule Dortmund's University Council since 2013 and was most recently Deputy Chair. She has put her heart and soul into the development of the university for many years.

Fachhochschule Dortmund mourns the loss of Jutta Reiter, who has died at the age of just 59. The long-time Dortmund DGB Chairwoman and Managing Director of the DGB Dortmund-Hellweg region was closely associated with Fachhochschule Dortmund as a member of the University Council.

Jutta Reiter had been a member of the University Council since 2013 and was most recently Deputy Chair of this body. "She has always stood up for the good education of tomorrow's specialists and has supported our university critically and constructively. I am very grateful to her for this," says Prof. Dr. Tamara Appel, Rector of Fachhochschule Dortmund. Guido Baranowski, Chairman of the University Council of Fachhochschule Dortmund, adds: "Jutta Reiter has put her heart and soul into the development of the university. She has always made sure to achieve the best for the university without losing sight of people."

Both also paid tribute to Jutta Reiter's extensive social commitment. "She held many honorary positions, nothing was too much or too burdensome for her. She always had time for important issues," says Guido Baranowski. "With her passing, we are losing someone for whom democracy, social responsibility and the interests of employees were right at the top of the agenda," says the FH Rector.

Multifaceted commitment

Born in Mülheim, she has made a name for herself primarily as a campaigner for workers' rights. She studied education, sociology and psychology in Essen and Duisburg. With a degree in education, she worked as a youth education officer at the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) in the Dortmund district until 1997. From 1997 to 2002, she coordinated women's policy at the DGB federal executive board as head of department, before heading the department for cross-border activities. Since 2009, she has been Chairwoman of the Dortmund-Hellweg DGB region.

Jutta Reiter always sought dialog and was not afraid to take a stand on difficult issues. For 15 years, she co-chaired the working group against right-wing extremism, of which Fachhochschule Dortmund is also a member. "The city of Dortmund has lost an upright and committed democrat who fearlessly led the fight against right-wing extremism and all attacks on human dignity," says Pastor Friedrich Stiller, co-chair of the working group against right-wing extremism.

Jutta Reiter was married and had one child. Colleagues and staff at Fachhochschule Dortmund are deeply touched by the news of her death. The sympathy of all members of the university goes out to Jutta Reiter's family.