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The FHKennung: Your access to FH services

All students and employees receive their personal FHKennung at the start of their studies or employment. The unique, university-wide user ID enables uniform registration in various Fachhochschule Dortmund systems.

Receive the FHKennung

  • Students can simply continue to use the FHKennung provided in their application. You will also receive further information in the information letter sent by the Office for Student Affairs after enrolment.
  • Employees receive the information letter from the Human Resources Department during the recruitment process.

Note for applicants:

Please note that you will receive a personal FHKennung directly upon successful registration in the Fachhochschule Dortmund portal. You can continue to use this in your everyday digital life at our university once you have been admitted and enrolled.

Use the FHKennung

The FHKennung enables uniform login to various systems at Fachhochschule Dortmund. In addition to central IT services, such as e-mail, ILIAS, WLAN, etc., systems of the individual faculties can also be used with the FHKennung.

The password for the FHKennung can be changed via the self-administration, security questions can be assigned or further services and accesses can be requested.

Note: As stated in the information letter, the IT services can only be used after a successful password change in the self-administration.

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