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(sushi) all you can eat! only 9.50€


Lisa Gras (from left), Zoe Celine Krüger and Adnan Zecevic play the main character Juliette Delta.

Three actors play the same character in different situations, simultaneously in three rooms. The audience moves to the next room after each act. In an underground parking garage. With multimedia backdrops. As if the UAS students had thought: why do it the conventional way when you can do it spectacularly?

Juliette Delta has a dream: to become a theater actress. To achieve this, she has to impress in auditions. But she doesn't know the unwritten rules, practises the wrong plays and songs and fails.

Then she has to write and perform a monologue herself. In the process, she loses herself in her characters and is less and less able to distinguish between reality and fiction. But isn't that normal or even inevitable? Does the real self even exist or are we just the sum of all the roles we play? So she writes the monologue "The Life of a Sushi Roll", in which she tries to get to the bottom of this riddle.

Multimedia and music

Lisa Gras, Zoe Celine Krueger and Adnan Zecevic play the main character in the three acts, which the audience visits room by room. Each room is a different combination of physical backdrop and multimedia staging, with some of the backdrops projected onto the walls in a visually impressive way. The music, which Basti Gies composed especially for the play, plays a large part in the atmosphere.

Director Jonas Diercks decided on the underground car park after talking to people of different age groups about theater: most of them would like to see performances beyond the classical stage. The underground car park therefore has no direct connection to the content of the play, but serves as an unspoiled, freshly repurposed spot in the big city that may make it easier for the audience to take an unbiased look.

The author is Juliette Delta, who named her main character after herself; other performers are Inez Klappers and Umut Can Efendi. A total of around 50 students from Fachhochschule Dortmund and TU Dortmund University are involved.

Dates and tickets

From May 23 to June 1, 2024, 27 dates are scheduled for 19 people each, starting between 6 and 8 pm. Admission costs 9.50 euros, concessions 4.75 euros. The performance is seated, toilets are also available.


Students of the Faculty of Design


Westentor underground car park
Schmiedingstraße 10, 44137 Dortmund

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Celine Joy Homann

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