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The Panorama of Latin American Studies about Homeless

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Invitation to a Lecture

The last 10 years represent a turn for the academic approach to the Homeless people issue in Latin America. Nevertheless, the relevance and sensitivity of this topic in social, political, economic, and environmental terms remained fragmented in the academia. The last 5 years of meetings, publications, and seminars indicate a new route for Latin American research and their contribution to Public Politics.
A general view of the literature, most in Spanish and Portuguese, allows us to see a broad landscape of regional visions that did not exist until the second decade of the XXIst century, nonetheless, the homeless problem has been a big social trouble since almost 300 years on the continent.

Speaker: Dr. Nelson Arellano-Escudero, Instituto de Humanidades, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago de Chile

Dr. Nelson Arellano with a lecture at the FH Dortmund



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Erläuterungen und Hinweise


  • Diego Mellado

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