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Welcome by the program director and the B.A. IB/IBM program management

Fast facts


On Monday, September 25, 2023, at 12:00 p.m., the program directors and the program management would like to welcome you to the B.A. International Business and B.A. International Business Management study programs and provide you with important information for a successful start to your studies at the Faculty of Business Studies.

Further information for first semester students can be found on the intranet. On this page you will find important documents such as the semester timetable and the first semester brochure. To access them, you must log in with your FH ID and password: h ttps://(Opens in a new tab) intranet.fh-dortmund.de/de/fb/9/studiengaenge/930/erstsemesterinfo.930.stg.fb9_neu.php

(Intranet page of the BA IB/IBM study program)

Contact person

Portrait von Pia Becker __ Portrait of Pia Becker
Pia Becker, M.A.
Office hours

Wed.: 12.30 - 14.00 h


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