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Impulse videos on scholarships

Students and prospective students have many questions about possible scholarships for their studies at Fachhochschule Dortmund. The following explanatory impulse videos will give you an initial brief overview of the topic of scholarships:

Overview: What is a scholarship anyway? What does it do for me? What are the requirements?

What is a scholarship, how does it benefit me and what are the requirements and selection criteria?

Step 1: Navigating the "scholarship jungle": finding the right scholarship program

How do I find a suitable scholarship program?

Step 2: Applying for a scholarship

How does the application process for a scholarship work, what documents are required, when and how can I apply?

Step 3: Prepare for the selection process of the scholarship providers

What does the selection process look like? What can I expect and how do I prepare for it?

Volker Voigt / visualisierungs-fuchs.de | 2022

The videos were created as part of the cross-university project "Stipendienkultur Ruhr"(Opens in a new tab)  of the educational initiative RuhrFutur(Opens in a new tab) , funded by Stiftung Mercator.

When creating the script, care was taken not to integrate any information that could change at short notice. Nevertheless, the requirements and modalities of scholarships, application and selection procedures may change over time. Information provided to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee.

If you would like to find out more after watching the videos, then make an appointment with the Scholarship Advisory Service  at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts or if you would like to find out more about the aspects presented in relation to your person in a workshop, then book a place in one of the next workshops & events(Opens in a new tab)  on the topic of scholarships at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Portrait von Katja Hensel __ Portrait of Katja Hensel
Katja Hensel, M.A.
  • +49 231 91129768
Office hours

Appointments for general student counseling by e-mail to: studienberatung@fh-dortmund.de
Scholarship appointments by e-mail to: stipendienberatung@fh-dortmund.de

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