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Exploring the Impact of Gaze Sharing on Collaboration During a Co-Construction Task

Schnelle Fakten


C. Schlösser and A. Harrer, “Exploring the Impact of Gaze Sharing on Collaboration During a Co-Construction Task,” in Proceedings - IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2019, pp. 131–133.


In this paper, we report on a user study with eyetracking technology that explores how mutual real-time gaze representations affect a dyad's collaboration behavior in a coconstruction task. Participants used a real-world collaborative web application to complete a partially given concept map. The results show that the analysis of the collaboration process can give insights both on measurements, such as the ratio of shared gaze during activity, but also on categorical classification of episodes of the process. For that end, we reflected and adapted existing frameworks from the CSCL literature to identify and assign collaboration styles and categories of behavior aligned to an extension of colleagues' rainbow framework.

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