About the project
"Improve the transfer of help and access between addiction counseling and child and adolescent psychiatric hospital treatment for young people suffering from addiction (and their relatives): Establishment and testing of joint procedural standards for case-related cooperation and referral between hospitals for child and adolescent psychiatry & addiction and drug counseling centers exemplary in various regions as part of the Action Plan against Addiction NRW"
As part of the "Action Plan against Addiction NRW" of the NRW Addiction Cooperation, the project for the development and establishment of a model network of different regions to improve the transfer of help and access between addiction counseling and child and adolescent psychiatric hospital treatment for addiction therapy is being carried out under the leadership of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt Münsterland-Recklinghausen / AWO addiction and drug counseling center in the district of Coesfeld.
Project duration from 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022
For young people suffering from addiction (and their relatives), the transfer of help and access between addiction counseling and child and adolescent psychiatric hospital treatment will be improved: With this goal in mind, several addiction and drug counseling centers from various providers and two LWL clinics for child and adolescent psychiatry with specialized services for the target group in different regions are joining forces to form a model network. Supported by the Coesfeld district health authority, the project partners are developing joint procedural standards with materials for case-related cooperation and referral for help. These will be tested in practice with the increased participation of the target group and their relatives with scientific support and, if necessary, adapted for continuation beyond the project period. The requirements and possibilities of aftercare services provided by the addiction and drug counseling centers and the joint use of digital communication media for the cooperation process will be specifically included. Finally, during the project, the aim is to expand the network of participating institutions and to invite other addiction and drug counseling centers as well as hospitals for child and adolescent psychiatry to transfer and further test the materials and agreed procedural standards.
The project has been scientifically monitored by Prof. Dr. Michael Boecker's team since 07.2021.
Contact person is Sina-Marie Levenigsina-marie.levenigfh-dortmundde.