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Familiale Weitergabe von Umgangsstrategien mit Rassismus

Fast facts

About the project

The project FaWeRa - Familial transmission of coping strategies with racism under the direction of Prof. Dr. Emra Ilgün-Birhimeoğlu examines existing coping strategies of families with racism. This is done in particular with a view to the intergenerational transmission of these strategies.

Aims of the project

The aim is to uncover family resources, patterns of action and communication as well as factors that enable or hinder meaningful and empowering coping strategies. It is assumed that migrantized and racially marked families are confronted with racism across several generations and places of life and develop corresponding strategies for dealing with it. The study aims to work out the extent to which these are passed on and the extent to which they are accepted, rejected and/or transformed by the following generation. To this end, interviews will be conducted with representatives of three generations of a family (grandparents, parents, child) using the qualitative survey method of the family interview (Schmitt 2024). The results are expected to provide new and further scientific insights into the familial transmission of strategies for dealing with racism.

Contact & Team

The team consists of the director Prof. Dr. Emra Ilgün-Birhimeoğlu(Opens in a new tab)  and the research and student assistants Dîlan Bor, Nejra Dedić-Demirović(Opens in a new tab)  and Bashir Mirzaii.

For questions, please contact fawerafh-dortmundde 

Poirtrait von Ilgün-Birhimeoglu__Portait of Ilgün-Birhimeoglu
Prof. Emra Ilgün-Birhimeoglu, Dr.
Office hours

If you have questions about assignments in K01 and/or W02, please visit one of the following online consultation hours:
If you have questions about a term paper in K01 and/or W02 because you have registered it with me, please visit one of the following online consultation hours. Due to the high demand, I can only offer individual consultation hours in exceptional cases:
1 appointment: 21.11.2024, 10-10.45 am:
2nd appointment: 17.01.2025, 10-10.45 am:
Meeting link:

Online collective consultation hour for the oral exam in W06: 20.12.2024, 9-10 am:

For all other questions, please book a consultation online. You can book an appointment with me via this link:

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