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Prof. Jens Müller, Dipl.-Des.

Fast facts



Anthology contribution

  • J. Müller, “The Prehistory of Beginnings,” in Logo Rewind, Norwich: University of East Anglia Publishing Project, 2023, pp. 6–7.
    Open publication
  • J. Müller, “Zwischen Information und Emotion: das Grafikdesign der Bahn,” in Design & Bahn: eine Gestaltungsgeschichte, München: Prestel, 2021, pp. 230–239.
    Open publication
  • J. Müller, “Ein einzigartiger Auftrag/A unique commission,” in Celestino Piatti : Alles, was ich male, hat Augen/Everything I paint has eyes, München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021, pp. 214–224.
    Open publication
  • J. Müller, “Die Einheit des Programms/A unified program,” in Celestino Piatti : Alles, was ich male, hat Augen/Everything I paint has eyes, München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021, pp. 225–229.
    Open publication
  • J. Müller, “Die Variation der Serie/Varying the series,” in Celestino Piatti : Alles, was ich male, hat Augen/Everything I paint has eyes, München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021, pp. 230–243.
    Open publication
  • J. Müller, “Ein moderner Klassiker/A modern classic,” in Celestino Piatti : Alles, was ich male, hat Augen/Everything I paint has eyes, München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021, pp. 244–249.
    Open publication

Scientific lecture

Organization of exhibition, workshop, congress, trade fair

  • J. Müller, Cover Kiosk. 2023 [Online]. Available: https://www.fh-dortmund.de/termine/ausstellung-cover-kiosk.php
    Open publication

Notes and references

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