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iXNet Get-Together "Maintaining, building and regenerating resilience"


Invitation to a further digital exchange and networking on the topic of resilience and its importance for academics with disabilities

In view of digitalization and the resulting acceleration of social life, resilience is becoming an increasingly important key skill in everyday and professional life. This is particularly true for people with disabilities, who are increasingly exposed to numerous additional burdens, challenges and barriers in their lives and careers. Here, well-developed resilience can be of essential and pioneering importance: After all, it is often a question of reconciling disability with professional and social demands. This often also involves compensation and balancing one's own potential and possibilities with the existing social framework conditions. At the same time, resilience can have a significant influence on personal health and mental hygiene and can therefore be a decisive factor in maintaining the ability to work despite existing disabilities and prevent illnesses such as depression, burnout or other stress-related impairments. But how do I build resilience? What do I need to pay attention to in order to maintain my resilience and build up a certain resistance to stress? In order to go through life successfully with disabilities and to realize your own professional potential, it is often essential to focus on yourself and face your own disabilities with mindfulness and self-care.

The iXNet Get-Together

With this iXNet Get-Together on the topic of "resilience", we would like to give interested parties and various stakeholders in the field of inclusive participation in the working life of academics with disabilities the opportunity to enter into a mutual exchange, network and empower each other.
empower each other. In addition to an introductory keynote speech on the pillars of resilience by Dr. Tatjana Schweizer, you are cordially invited to enter into a moderated discussion on various key topics and share your experiences with this topic with other participants.

Target groups

The event is aimed primarily at students and academics with disabilities, employers and counseling and support services.

The date

The iXNet Get-Together event will take place on January 24, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. via Skype for Business video conference. Please forward this invitation to this iXNet event via your networks and distribution lists, registration: The number of participants is limited to ensure a fruitful exchange. Please register by 13.01.2023 using the form in the right-hand column so that we can organize the event according to your needs. Please complete the form and send it to ZAV.iXNetarbeitsagenturde  If you have any questions, please contact Abdel Hafid Sarkissian (Hafid Sarkissian AbdelAbdelHafid.Sarkissianarbeitsagenturde  or Dr. Tatjana SchweizerTatjana.Schweizerarbeitsagenturde .

Notes and references

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