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Production: Show me your crisis


2023, an age in which nothing seems impossible. But the more opportunities that open up, the more crises we face.

Students of the "Theater as Social Art" profile in the Social Work study program at the Faculty of Applied Social Studies have explored the topic of crisis as part of the K11 project module and developed a production for it.

Anyone interested is cordially invited to immerse themselves in a world in which a pink moon is in the sky, demons are up to mischief, a polar bear loses its home and much more - a funny but also touching collage.

Event flyer

Dates and participation

Thursday, 05.10.2023, 19:30 PREMIERE
Friday, 06.10.2023, 7:30 pm
Saturday, 07.10.2023, 7 pm DERNIERE + party

Free admission, but limited seating. Therefore registration at crisisfh-dortmundde  necessary.

Content note

Sensitive topics such as crisis, death, mental health, grief, classism, conspiracy myths, conflict, species extinction etc. are dealt with.




Emil-Figge-Straße 44, 4th floor

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