How does 3D printing work and what can be done with it? Fachhochschule Dortmund answers these questions for anyone interested - both theoretically and practically.
In an exhibition, the Nordstadtgalerie, in cooperation with the FabLab of Fachhochschule Dortmund, is showing many 3D-printed objects that illustrate the variety of possibilities offered by this technology.
Anyone who would like to try out the process for themselves can also register for the free workshop on Wednesday (13.9.) from 5 to 7 pm. In this workshop, FabLab experts will introduce participants to the technology. Register for the workshop by sending an email to nordstadtgaleriefh-dortmundde
At the opening of the exhibition on Friday (8.9.) at 6 pm, UAS student Finn Tödte from the Film and Sound study program will present his work "Druckmoment". In this work, he artistically combines kaleidoscopic close-ups of scanning and printing with the associated sound. Finn Tödte will also give a lecture on the subject of 3D printing.
Bornstrasse 142
44145 Dortmund