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Conference of Social Responsibility

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Organizations and companies in Dortmund attach great importance to social responsibility. In order to strengthen this network, Fachhochschule Dortmund is hosting the first Conference of Social Responsibility on May 5, 2023 at the FH campus in Dortmund's Kreuzviertel district.

"With this format, we want to support the work of Dortmund's initiatives and aid organizations and offer a platform to exchange ideas with each other and with cooperation partners," says Sebastian Kreimer from Fachhochschule Dortmund's Sustainability Office (CSR Office), explaining the idea. The conference is also aimed at all interested citizens, students and employees. "Our aim is also to address potential volunteers and create low-threshold access to volunteering opportunities," emphasizes Sebastian Kreimer.

Round table and networking café

The Conference of Social Responsibility starts at 2 p.m. with a round table. The focus will be on the participating (aid) organizations. Among others, representatives of the "Grenzenlose Wärme" association founded at Fachhochschule Dortmund, the homeless newspaper "bodo" and the Nette-PCycle-Pir@ten have confirmed their participation. The round table will discuss needs, developments and challenges in the field of ecological and social sustainability.

  • Round table: Campus Sonnenstraße, House F, Room 212

Afterwards (from around 5.30 p.m.), the networking café will take place in the inner courtyard on Sonnenstraße. Here, associations, organizations and cooperation partners can introduce themselves, present their work and talk to interested citizens and students in a relaxed atmosphere over snacks and drinks.

"We want to repeat the Conference of Social Responsibility every year," says Sebastian Kreimer. After all, the exchange of ideas is important in order to tackle the challenges together. Fachhochschule Dortmund sees itself as part of urban society, actively contributing to a liveable and sustainable city of Dortmund through teaching and research as well as social engagement. The Dortmund CSR network "Bewusst wie e.V.", the Dortmund Volunteer Agency and the city's business development agency are partners of the first Conference of Social Responsibility.


CSR-Office der FH Dortmund


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