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Admission for degree programs with numerus clausus

At Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Bachelor's and Master's study programs with admission restrictions are offered in addition to admission-free study programs through the so-called Numerus Clausus. Various factors are taken into account in the allocation procedure.

Application for an NC study program

Study places for study programs with restricted admission are allocated via a central procedure of the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (SfH). In order to apply for such a study program, you must register in advance at hochschulstart.de.

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Allocation procedure for admission-restricted Bachelor's degree programs

The allocation procedure for admission-restricted Bachelor's degree programs has changed fundamentally for the summer semester 2021. Study places are now allocated according to the following main quotas

  • 36% of study places purely according to the grade of the higher education entrance qualification (HZB)
  • 3.2% of study places to those with vocational qualifications and
  • 60.8% of study places according to the grade of the HZB reduced by the waiting time

Consideration of waiting semesters in the NC procedure

Only within the above-mentioned quota of 60.8% will the grade of the higher education entrance qualification be improved by 0.1 per waiting semester. A maximum of 7 waiting semesters can be taken into account.

Each semester in which you were not enrolled at a German educational institution after obtaining your higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) counts as a waiting semester. A calendar year comprises two waiting semesters (summer semester and winter semester).

One example:

An applicant has obtained her university entrance qualification with an Abitur grade of 2.0, but does not receive a place due to the high NC. After two waiting semesters, she is then included in this quota with a grade of 1.8.

It is important here that applicants continue to only state their HZB grade according to their certificate and the date on which they obtained their HZB in the allocation procedure during the application. No grades may be calculated.

Priority will no longer be given according to the waiting period.

The NC study programs at Fachhochschule Dortmund at a glance

(If no study programs are listed, there are currently no admission-restricted study programs in the respective faculty).

Do you still have questions about Numerus Clausus?

Our Office for Student Affairs will be happy to help you with any uncertainties or questions regarding your application.

Notes and references

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