Worum geht's?
Explore new layers in storytelling by enlarging the theatrical toolbox: The new Master’s program “Theater and Digitality” embraces performers, narrations, stages and technologies alike.
This study program will start for the first time in the summer semester of 2025. Applications are open now. You will need to register on the central FH page until January 15th, 2025 (click on “Bewerbungsportal / Application Portal” (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab) in right hand column). You will also need to pass an artistic aptitude test, please click on link “To the Aptitute Test (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab) ”. The upload deadline for your documents to enter the aptitude test is January 30th, 2025.
More Information for the introduction event for new studends can be found here: https://www.fh-dortmund.de/termine/introduction-master-theater-and-digitality.php (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab)
Profile of the Study Programm
Theater stages have for thousands of years been the home for stories of humans (and other creatures) and their worlds. Theater and the Performing Arts can permeate the present, the past and the future alike, can build bridges through times, can zoom out or go into close-ups: onto hopes and dreams, enhancing wonders and abysses alike, looking through the surfaces of societies.
Theater, as an ever-contemporary artform, has at all times kept a curious and, at the same time, a critical eye on the inventions of new technologies – wondering whether these inventions could be interesting for being incorporated on its stages. Very often, the answer was “yes” (just think of electricity and cameras).
Theater has always been created by storytellers with different expert knowledge. The Master “Theater and Digitality” is therefore aimed at students with either artistic or technical background (or both) – students, who are interested in exploring theatrical narrations in context with technologies.
The Master “Theater and Digitality“ is an interdisciplinary, 3 semester, English-language study at the Faculty of Design of FH Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The start will be the spring semester of 2025. Graduates will be awarded the Master of Arts.
The study is implemented in cooperation of FH Dortmund’s Faculty of Design, of the worldwide renowned Academy for Theatre and Digitality and FH Dortmund’s Faculty of Computer Science.
Creativity, interdisciplinary expertise and critical thinking: The Master’s Program “Theater and Digitality” includes research and development in the field of digital-technologically supported theatre and performative art. With its curriculum between technology, storytelling, dramaturgy and performance, the study aims to provide students with a broad range of theoretical as well as practical and application-oriented, professionally qualifying skills in the intersection between digital technologies and narratives on analog, virtual and hybrid stages (including topics such as human-machine interfaces or the use of machine learning).
A prerequisite for admission is passing the artistic or artistic-technical aptitude test (please see https://eignung.design.fh-dortmund.de/en (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab) )
Specialisations in the degree programme
Further informations will be available in the next weeks.
Study Course Plan
This is a thematic overview of the course contents. Detailed information on the exact names of the courses, information on Electives, ECTS or semester hours per week can be found in the module handbook.
A preceding preparatory semester is offered in which students can individually take courses from the Faculties of Design
and Computer Science to reach a comparable level of prior knowledge. Here, 30 credit points (LP) must be accumulated.
0. Semester | Graphical Programming | Computer Science and Society (DSDS/Ethics/Law) | Applied Mathematics and Statistics | Architecture of Modern Software Systems | Embedded Systems | Modules from the Master’s program Digital Design |
1. Semester | Experimental Impromptou Projects | Interaction between Stage Architecture and Society, Technology and Performing Arts | ||||
2. Semester | Digital Narration / Scenography | Independent Projects | Introduction to the History of Media Art | |||
3. Semester | Career Orientation | Artistic/creative Project support Master's Thesis | Master's Thesis |
Why study at the FH Dortmund?
What makes the FH Dortmund special? What should you know about the city and the region? How is Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts organised in terms of internationality and what advice and support do we offer you? Find out more about the FH Dortmund.
Zu wem passt's?
Desirable subject-specific and interdisciplinary knowledge
Further informations will be available in the next weeks.
Prospects after graduation
Career prospects
Further informations will be available in the next weeks.
Cooperative promotion
The Master's degree is the basis for a doctorate. Graduates who wish to acquire further academic qualifications have the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree at a university through a cooperative doctorate in which Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts cooperates with a university.
Was brauche ich?
1. Required degree
A diploma or bachelor's degree in fields such as Design, Architecture, Interior Design, Exhibition Design, Dramaturgy, Acting, Scenography, Object Theater, Visual Media, Set Design, Performance, Film, Directing, Dance, and Theater Studies, Applied Computer Science, Machine Learning, Actuators and Robotics, Creative Robotics, Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, Creative Coding, Theater and Event Technology, Lighting Technology, Sound Technology, Video Technology or a comparable program at a university that includes scenographic-design or IT-related technical components; or relevant artistic and creative aptitude for the program or a comparable program at a university that includes scenographic-design or IT-related technical components; or relevant artistic and creative aptitude for the program.
Admission to the program Master Theater and Digitality (MATHEAD) requires, in accordance with Section § 4 (1) of the Study Program Examination Regulations (StgPO) for the program Master Theater and Digitality (MATHEAD) in its current version, the completion of a study program with at least 210 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
If the BA study program comprises only 180 ECTS credit points (for degrees not using the ECTS system, equivalent conversion is required, please contact FH Dortmund’s International office if you have any questions), the missing 30 credit points may be earned through successfully completing an internship or multiple internships totaling 20 weeks, which may be completed before, during, or upon application for program admission.
Students with a primarily design/artistic background should gain experience in the technological field by completing the internship/practical project. It can take place for instance in companies and start-ups in the fields of creative technologies, robotics, digital scenography (e.g. game design, immersive arts, mapping, mixed realities…), machine learning, data mining, motion capturing, sensors and actuators, applied computer science, mechanical engineering.
Students with a primarily technological background should gain experience in the design/artistic field. Especially, specific responsibilities within companies or other institutions of the profession must be addressed methodically, systematically and in a design and/or technological manner.
It can take place e.g. in design studios and museums, institutes and laboratories in the field of digital technology, scenography agencies, event agencies, in theater, film production, stage construction.
Please note:
As a practical project, the successful completion of bridge/preparatory modules from the preparatory semester, in accordance with Section § 4 (7) of the Study Program Examination Regulations (StgPO) for Master Theater and Digitality (MATHEAD), can also be recognized, either in design-related modules (for students with primarily technical background) or in Computer Science-related modules (for students with primarily artistic background).
Bridging and preparatory modules may include modules from the study plan for the preparatory semester or modules from a pool from the Bachelor’s programs or the Master Scenography and Communication program of the FH Dortmund’s Faculty of Design - or modules from a pool from the Bachelor’s programs of the FH Dortmund’s Faculty of Computer Science. A list of possible modules will be provided by the head of program.
2. Proof of English language proficiency
The MA “Theater and Digitality” program is offered in English.
The applicant must demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency demonstrated by a TOEFL ITP test with at least 550 points or TOEFL iBT with at least 90 points, taken within the last two years before the application was submitted. The proof can also be provided through other test methods equivalent to the TOEFL test according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (e.g., IELTS with a minimum score of 6.5). In exceptional cases, an equivalent certificate at C1 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR) may be used. The expert committee determines whether an equivalency exists.
3. Aptitude test
Proof of artistic and creative aptitude is required for enrollment in this Master’s program. In the assessment procedure, the applicants must prove that they have the artistic-creative or technical aptitude for the course of study, which allows the achievement of the study goals to be expected. The determination of the course-related aptitude is carried out twice a year in a two-level procedure. The next upload phase for level 1 is Dec 1st, 2024 until January 30th, 2025 (cut off deadline).
However, please note that you will still need to also register (see link “Bewerbungsportal / Application Portal (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab) ”) by January 15th, 2025. If the follow up page is displayed in German, please find the EN Button to switch it to English.
Further Information about the aptitude test: https://eignung.design.fh-dortmund.de/en (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab)
4. Enrol now!
Please apply at FH Dortmund (see Application Portal). Additionally, a prerequisite for admission to the study is proof of artistic and creative aptitude for the course. The procedure for determining course-related aptitude is carried out at least once a year in a two-stage procedure for applicants who wish to take up a Master's degree program in Theater and Digitality in the Faculty of Design. Admission to the aptitude procedure requires a registration, and an application together with the required documents.
Here you will find current deadlines, information on the work to be submitted and the registration area for the aptitude assessment procedure. (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab)
The Faculty of Design will inform applicants in writing of the committee's decision on the results of the procedure. The results are communicated as passed or failed. They must be accompanied by information on legal remedies.
With a pass result, applicants are awarded the course-related artistic and creative aptitude.
Register now!
The study program starts annually in the summer and is admission-free. However, enrollment for the study program is only possible after recognition of aptitude and fulfilment of the other admission requirements.
Wer hilft mir?
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the degree programme and Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Admissions office in the study office
Admission centre team