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Path Towards Sustainable Net Zero Decentralized Fuels using Carbon Capture

Schnelle Fakten


In the context of growing emphasis on sustainability, energy sustainability stands out prominently as Goal 7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Equally important is the recycling of waste, which impacts several UN SDGs. This paper explores the potential of decentralized energy production through biogas generated from food waste. This approach is largely carbon neutral and can support local energy needs, such as feeding a microgrid. Additionally, the paper presents early results on capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from biogas to produce higher-grade fuels, potentially achieving a net negative carbon footprint. The captured C02 can be utilized in various domestic and industrial applications, further advancing the principles of a circular economy.



Carbon neutral

Food waste


Information technology


Net zero



Sustainable development

carbon capture

carbon footprint

circular economy

decentralized energy

waste to energy

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