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Guest Editorial Special Issue on Smartness and Robustness of Spatial Environment Perception in Automated Systems

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Weitere Publizierende

    Subhas Mukhopadhyay, João Paulo Javidi Da Costa, Markus Gardill, Shengheng Liu, Chirasree Roychaudhuri

  • Veröffentlichung

    • 2024
  • Titel der Zeitschrift/Zeitung

    IEEE Sensors Journal (14)

  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Kommunikations- und Informationstechnik
    • Sensorik und Messtechnik
  • Format

    Journalartikel (Editorial)


T. Fei, S. Mukhopadhyay, J. P. Javidi Da Costa, M. Gardill, S. Liu, and C. Roychaudhuri, “Guest Editorial Special Issue on Smartness and Robustness of Spatial Environment Perception in Automated Systems,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 14, pp. 21800–21800, 2024.


As the curtains close on this special issue dedicated to advanced sensor research, we reflect on the critical role sensor technology plays in the future of automation. Throughout this issue, we have explored significant advancements and ongoing challenges in developing intelligent, resilient automated systems. A key theme is the vital need for smarter, more robust sensing systems. Modern sensors, now more adaptable, adjust their operations based on external changes, crucial for maximizing automation in varied real-world situations. Efforts to enhance sensor robustness have produced improvements in performance in extreme conditions, cybersecurity, cost-effective solutions, and flexible system requirements while preserving performance. The addition of self-monitoring and calibration features allows for continuous refinement of sensor accuracy and rapid problem detection, boosting system reliability. The capacity for seamlessly integrating alternative technologies when specific sensors fail further strengthens system resilience. This issue includes 33 manuscripts selected from 65 submissions, exploring these diverse aspects.

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