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Direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition of ZrO2 films from a heteroleptic Zr precursor: interplay between film characteristics and corrosion protection of stainless steel

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Weitere Publizierende

    Sebastian Beer, Diane Samelor, Alsayed Abdel Aal, Detlef Rogalla, Asiya E. Turgambaeva, Jerome Esvan, Aleksander Kostka, Constantin Vahlas, Anjana Devi

  • Veröffentlichung

    • 2021
  • Titel des Sammelbands

    Direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition of ZrO2 films from a heteroleptic Zr precursor: interplay between film characteristics and corrosion protection of stainless steel

  • Titel des Konferenzbands


  • Titel der Zeitschrift/Zeitung

    Journal of Materials Research and Technology

  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Chemie allgemein
    • Elektrochemie
    • Festkörper-, Oberflächen- und Materialphysik
  • Format

    Journalartikel (Artikel)


S. Beer, D. Samelor, A. Abdel Aal, J. Etzkorn, D. Rogalla, A. E. Turgambaeva, J. Esvan, A. Kostka, C. Vahlas, and A. Devi, “Direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition of ZrO2 films from a heteroleptic Zr precursor: interplay between film characteristics and corrosion protection of stainless steel,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 13, pp. 1599–1614, 2021.


The direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition (DLI-CVD) of uniform and dense zirconium oxide (ZrO2) thin films applicable as corrosion protection coatings (CPCs) is reported. We present the entire development chain from the rational choice and thermal evaluation of the suitable heteroleptic precursor [Zr(OiPr)2(tbaoac)2] over the detailed DLI-CVD process design and finally benchmarking the CPC behavior using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). For a thorough development of the growth process, the deposition temperature (Tdep) is varied in the range of 400 °C – 700 °C on Si(100) and stainless steel (AISI 304) substrates. Resulting thin films are thoroughly analyzed in terms of structure, composition, and morphology. Grazing incidence X-ray diffractometry (GIXRD) reveals an onset of crystallization at Tdep ≥ 500 °C yielding monoclinic and even cubic phase at low temperatures. At Tdep = 400 °C, isotropic growth of XRD amorphous material is shown to feature cubic crystalline domains at the interfacial region as revealed by electron diffraction. EIS measurements demonstrate the best CPC characteristic for the 400 °C ZrO2 coating compared to depositions over 500 °C, yielding valuable insights into the correlation between growth parameter and CPC performance which are of high relevance for future exploration of CPCs.

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