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DAAD Summerschool Mongolei

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Veröffentlichung

    • 2023
  • Titel des Sammelbands

    DAAD Summerschool Mongolei

  • Art der Forschungsleistung

    Ausrichtung Ausstellung, Workshop, Kongress, Messe

  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Graphikdesign/Kommunikationsgestaltung
  • Format

    Sonstige Forschungsleistung


L.-M. Harmsen, DAAD Summerschool Mongolei. 2023 [Online]. Available:


DAAD Summerschool

Sommerschulen im Ausland 2023
Projekt: „Creating Identity – Kulturelle Identität(en) zwischen Tradition und Zukunft“
Projekt-ID: 57665123

Summer school theme
"Creating Identity - Cultural identity(s) between tradition and future in the age of global crises"

- 3 preparatory zoom meetings with German, Swiss and Mongolian lecturers and students in May
- August 14 to 25, 2023 workshops in attendance at MNUAC
- Final public presentation on August 25, 2023 in Ulan Bator, Mongolia
MNUAC faculties and teachers involved
School of Theater and School of Fine Art and Design
MNUAC students involved
A total of around 30 students from all areas: directing, dramaturgy, scenic writing, acting, music,
singing, dance, stage design, fine arts, design, costumes, video, photography, calligraphy, etc.
In 2023, the focus will be on theoreOcal and pracOcal examinaOon of current specialist debates and
innovaOve arOsOc formats of performance, storytelling, scenography and fashion design, combined
with experimental arOsOc pracOce and social issues. The selected approaches will be presented in the
first week of the summer school in lectures and presentaOons by the teachers and deepened in
pracOcal workshops. In the second week, the students should apply what they have learned in
independent arOsOc projects supervised by the lecturers.
While the focus in 2021 was on personal experiences of crisis (film: "Crisis"), in 2022 on dystopian
visions of the future (audio walk: "The Time aWer"), the focus in 2023 will be on a new ar9s9c format
of the mul9media performance in public space "Crea9ng Iden9ty". Utopias and other posiOve
visions of the future are set, which encourage creaOve ways out of the current crises.
The aim is to convey how a kaleidoscope of mutually complementary and commenOng contribuOons
can be developed from theoreOcal and conceptual consideraOons, research, interviews and personal
biographical elements, combined with their respecOve arOsOc skills of the students in
interdisciplinary teams on the topic "Cultural idenOty(s) between TradiOon and future in the age of
global crises”.
ArOsOc research thus acts as a format for connecOng theory and pracOce, art and empirical research
in social fields, which takes up the discussion of the highly topical issue of cultural idenOty and
idenOty poliOcs in the theater/performance as well as in the art/design context and the concept of
utopia and personal and social visions of the future. In a guided collecOve work process, arOsOc
hybrid formats will be created between experimental theater or experimental art and ethnographic

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