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Aufbau eines deutschen Roboterzentrums (A-DRZ), Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung einsatzfähiger Innenraum-Demonstratoren für die Rettungsrobotik

Fast facts

About the project

Emergency services face a variety of challenges in their daily work. Despite training, tactical concepts and protective equipment, thousands of emergency personnel worldwide are injured or killed every year. As technical development progresses, it is foreseeable that mobile robotic systems will take over tasks to make operations more efficient and, above all, safer. The requirements for the supporting rescue robot systems are complex and varied.

The "Development of the German Rescue Robotics Center" (A-DRZ) project is driving forward the use of robotic systems in civil terrestrial emergency response in hostile environments. This is based on the four main scenarios of fire, collapse & burial, detection of hazardous substances and flooding, as well as the resulting challenges for rescue robotics. Among other things, a so-called Living Lab, i.e. a laboratory with an attached test site, is being set up for this purpose, in which researchers, companies and users can jointly research the best possible solutions for supporting rescue robots and test them in realistic test environments.

The implementation of the A-DRZ will create a national competence center with international appeal. For the first time in Germany, emergency services, researchers and industry will work on the realization of autonomous rescue robots and the establishment of a national and international robotics task force. In addition, test and inspection criteria will be developed to ensure the subsequent standardization and certification of different robot systems.

Fachhochschule Dortmund is involved in the joint project with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and IDiAL. The focus of the research work is on the new development of operational mobile ground robots that can detect and extinguish fires. Operating conditions that are hazardous to humans, such as smoke and heat, pose particular challenges for the development of mechanics, sensor technology and navigation procedures. Both the mechatronic requirements (machine and vehicle development) and the algorithms and control software modules (IDiAL) for the robot systems are defined and developed, and new methods and concepts are researched holistically. Before new robot systems are developed, the requirements are defined together with the application partners as part of the modularization concepts for robot platforms and payload modules. Furthermore, the autonomous assistance functions required to control the mobile robots are developed and implemented in a self-developed demonstrator. The sustainable design of academic support for young talent and application-oriented training is another aspect of the project.

All robots in the A-DRZ project (from left to right): D1 (TU-Darmstadt), D4 (FH-Dortmund), D1 (University of Bonn), Husky (TU-Dortmund), D1 (WHS), D3 (Fraunhofer FKIE), DRZ Robotik-Leitwagen
Implemented modularization concept of demonstrator class 4, module carrier (I-design),<br>mobility platform, interoperable payload modules (manual control and radar reconnaissance)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Funding code


Funding program / Research program

Research for civil security Announcement: "Civil Security - Innovation Labs/Centers of Excellence for Robotic Systems in Hostile Environments"

Cooperation/project partners

  • City of Dortmund - Institute for Fire and Rescue Technology German Rescue Robotics Center e. V., Dortmund
  • Minimax Viking Research & Development GmbH, Bad Oldesloe
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS), Sankt Augustin
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE), Wachtberg
  • German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH, Saarbrücken
  • Dortmund University of Technology
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  • Westphalian University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen
  • Darmstadt University of Technology
  • University of Lübeck
  • Association for the Promotion of German Fire Protection (vfdb), Lippetal
Fire Department City of Dortmund
Fraunhofer IAIS
Fraunhofer FKIE
International School of Management
Minimax Viking
TU Dortmund
University of Bonn
TU Darmstadt
University of Lübeck
Association for the Promotion of German Fire Protection
Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences

Associated partners

BAM, BAUA, LKA Berlin, Unifire Sweden, CNBOP Poland and 16 other partners

Contact & Team

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • German Rescue Robotics Center e.V. | Kathrin Conredel
  • German Rescue Robotics Center e.V. | Kathrin Conredel
  • Funding body Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Funding body Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • TU Dortmund University | TU Dortmund
  • Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences | Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Stephan Lucka
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Matthias Kleinen
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Marcus Heine
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Marcus Heine

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