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BI-gestütztes Controlling

Fast facts

About the project

Business intelligence is the integration of technical management methods, IT procedures and analytical processes that include the preparation and provision of data as well as the discovery of relevant correlations and the communication of the knowledge gained to support management decision-making, using powerful IT such as data warehouse and big data technology for planning, analysis and forecasting. (Schön, D.: Planning and Reporting, 4th edition, 2022, p. 467). BI-supported controlling uses BI for economic management support through controlling. Content, organization, processes and IT must be coordinated in the best possible way.



  • Schön, D.: Planung und Reporting - Grundlagen, Business Intelligence, Mobile BI und Big-Data-Analytics, Springer Gabler-Verlag, 4th ed. Wiesbaden 2022.
  • Schön, D.; Böhle, M., Growe, A.: BI-supported controlling cockpit for the IT division, in: ZfC, 32. vol. , H. 3, 2020, PP.80-87.
  • Schön, D.: Planung und Reporting im BI-gestützten Controlling - Grundlagen, Business Intelligence, Mobile BI und Big-Data-Analytics, Springer Gabler-Verlag, 3rd ed., Wiesbaden 2018.
  • Schön, D.: Planung und Reporting - Grundlagen, Business Intelligence, Mobile BI und Big-Data-Analytics, Springer Gabler-Verlag, 2nd ed. Wiesbaden 2016.
  • Schön, D.; Pook, M.: Bedarfsgerechte Steuerung durch IT-gestütztes Berichtswesen, in: innovative Verwaltung, Heft 10/2015, p. 10-13. Schön, D.; Liebe, M.: Integrierte Planung und Reporting mit Business-Intelligence-gestütztem Controlling, in: ZfC, 26. Jg., H. 4/5, 2014, p.244-251.
  • Schön, D.; Ständer, M.; Liebe, M.: Corporate and project management with the help of a BI-supported controlling cockpit using the example of Securiton GmbH in: ZfC, 25th Vol., H. 4/5, 2013, pp. 252 - 260.
  • Schön, D.: Planung und Reporting im Mittelstand -Grundlagen, Business Intelligence und Mobile Computing, Springer Gabler-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2012.
  • Schön, D.: Gap between reporting and planning, in: is report, 15. Jg., H. 7+8, 2011, p. 7.

Contact & Team

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schön __ Portrait of Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schön
Prof. Dietmar Schön, Dr.
Office hours

Consultation hours take place online during the semester and during the lecture-free period by appointment (dietmar.schoen@fh-dortmund.de).

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Marcus Heine

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