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Alternative Kraftstoffe

Umrüstung und Abstimmung eines bestehenden 4-Zylinder Otto-Motors auf ein elektronisches Motor-management Systems, zur Verwertung unterschiedlicher alternativer Kraftstoffe

Fast facts

About the project

A completely analog four-cylinder in-line engine was converted to digital technology so that it could be operated with a wide variety of fuels using an open-source injection system. To this end, the engine was restored and the compression increased, the exhaust system was fitted with a catalytic converter and the intake system was converted to intake manifold injection. A wide range of sensors and actuators were also integrated into the system.

The use of regenerative fuels enables a vehicle to achieve a very good environmental balance, and converting to an injection system that offers many features is also a great opportunity to implement your own ideas and conversions. Regenerative fuels are first and foremost liquids, followed by various gases. These fuels all have an almost perfect CO2 balance.

Rectorate of Fachhochschule Dortmund

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Portrait von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yves Rosefort __ Portrait of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yves Rosefort
Prof. Yves Rosefort, Dr.
  • +49 231 91129280
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