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Newsletter Internationalization 02/2024

Whether events with international guests, new university collaborations and projects - the range of international activities at our university is broad. With this newsletter, we would like to share the diversity of internationalization topics with you. We hope you enjoy reading it!

Change of Vice Rector Dr. Ramona Schröpf

Dr. Ramona Schröpf accepts the offer from TU Dortmund University to become Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies on 01.11.2024. The core topics of international affairs and communication will remain anchored in the university management.

In her farewell address, Ramona Schröpf expresses her gratitude to all her colleagues: "I would like to thank you all for your interest and active participation in the various topics of internationalization. Together, you have helped to make significant progress in internationalization at our university. I would like to encourage you to continue on this path with commitment and creativity. Thank you for your great support and for the many ideas and initiatives that we have launched together."

Looking back: International events and visits

13-17.5.2024: International teaching module "Blocks/Tallinn" at the Faculty of Architecture

As part of the university-wide block week, Sigrit Nasari, architect and lecturer at Tallinna Techknikakõrgkool (Tallinn, Estonia, Erasmus partner university) was a guest at the Faculty of Architecture. She taught the international module "Tallinn Blocks". Students worked in groups to develop a design for the development of a new harbor district in the city center of Tallinn. Sigrit Nasari's stay took place as part of an Erasmus+ staff exchange.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Reinhild Schultz-Fölsing,(Opens in a new tab)  Anne Krainz(Opens in a new tab)  (both Faculty of Architecture)

24.6.-3.7.2024: International Summer School Brussels(Opens in a new tab) 

The Summer School 2024 took place in Brussels this year. 15 UAS students from the "Professional Action in Projects" module of the dual Bachelor's study program in Social Work with a focus on migration and integration took part. The teaching language was English throughout.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Jochem Kotthaus (Faculty of Applied Social Studies)(Opens in a new tab) 

18.7.-9.8.2024: Summer School of the University of Texas, Arlington at the Faculty of Business Studies(Opens in a new tab) 

13 students from the University of Texas, Arlington visited Fachhochschule Dortmund. As part of the "Maverick Global Start" summer school, the participants gained an insight into the German higher education system and learned about current issues and life in NRW compared to Texas. The students were also enthusiastic about the varied supporting program, which included an organ concert in St. Reinoldi, a social city tour by Bodo, a visit to the Steinwache, Altena Castle and the Olympic Sports Museum in Cologne. Many thanks also go to all the contributors from the Faculties of Business Studies, Applied Social Studies, Design and the Race-Ing. team from Fachhochschule Dortmund.

Contact: Martin Kuhn (Faculty of Business Studies)(Opens in a new tab) 

26-30.8.2024: International Summer Convention (ISC) at the Fachhochschule Dortmund(Opens in a new tab) 

The International Summer Convention took place at Campus Sonnenstraße. A total of 75 guests (students and lecturers) from 20 partner universities from 13 countries worldwide took part. The following projects were involved: DAAD InduTwin@scale, DAAD Ostpartnerschaften, DAAD SusProLab, Erasmus+ KA171, Erasmus+ KA2 NomadTrail, Erasmus+ CBHE CompIIT, Erasmus+ ProDiT, Erasmus+ CBHE WORK4RCE

Further information: Video of the International Summer Convention 2024(Opens in a new tab) 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Stephan Weyers (Project Management)(Opens in a new tab) , Jens Krammenschneider-Hunscha (Project Coordination)(Opens in a new tab) , Catrin Randersen (Project Coordination)(Opens in a new tab) , Gerrida Margaretha Vorster (Project Coordination)(Opens in a new tab) 

2-13.9.2024: Blended Intensive Program (BIP) "School as a Social Hub. Interactions within a Neighborhood"

School buildings have always been - and are increasingly so again today - special and important building blocks in the urban fabric. Usually centrally located in the neighborhood, today they should not only offer rooms and open spaces for school lessons, but also increasingly become a central point of contact for the entire urban society in the context of "all-day school I inclusive school I smart school". The question of how schools can have a positive influence on the neighborhood and vice versa, and how they can develop into places of democracy education, tolerance and caring and sustainable coexistence, are central questions that were explored during a 12-day compact student workshop from September 2-13, 2024 with at least 30 students from Vilnius, Brno and Dortmund at the International Summer School.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Christiane Fülscher(Opens in a new tab) , Prof. Diana Reichle(Opens in a new tab)  (both Faculty of Architecture)

3-4.9.2024: Inauguration of the "Global Innopolis Network Initiative" with the participation of Fachhochschule Dortmund in South Korea

At the beginning of September, Prof. Dr. Björn Schäfer (Department of Information Technology) was a guest in Daejeon (South Korea) as a representative of Fachhochschule Dortmund to take part in the inauguration ceremony of the "Global Innopolis Network Initiative (GINI)". The GINI network comprises the cities of Daejeon (South Korea), Montgomery County (USA), Seattle (USA), Malaga (Spain) and Dortmund. The delegation from Dortmund consisted of representatives from the city, science, business development and sport. The network has set itself the goal of promoting cooperation on technical and urban topics of the future, including in the area of smart cities. There are already exchange relationships with Daejeon-based Woosong University and its affiliated SolBridge International School of Business. The meeting was preceded by a visit by the Korean university management to Dortmund in June 2024.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Björn Schäfer (Faculty of Information Technology)(Opens in a new tab) 

13-26.9.2024: Participation of six UAS students in a summer school in Indonesia(Opens in a new tab) 

In September, students from the Business Information Systems, Business Administration and International Business study programs traveled to Southeast Asia, accompanied by two students from the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. The summer school is part of the project "Digitalization in Law and Society in Indonesia" funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This year, the participants had the opportunity to present their knowledge in lectures at the renowned partner universities Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya and Universitas Islam Riau in Pekanbaru and to discuss it in seminars with lecturers and students on site.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Bohne (Faculty of Business Studies)(Opens in a new tab) 

New university collaborations

In recent months, new cooperation agreements have been concluded with the following universities, among others:

  • University of Texas at Arlington UTA, Arlington, USA (based on the Faculty of Business Studies)
  • University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (based on the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia (from the Faculty of Business Studies)
  • Technical University of Kenya TUK, Nairobi, Kenya (from the Faculty of Design)
  • Woosong University, Daejeon, South Korea (interdepartmental)

Announcements and news

30 ECTS program of the Hochschulallianz Ruhr (HAR): Faculties of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Fachhochschule Dortmund will also be participating from summer semester 2025(Opens in a new tab) 

While the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts is already offering an English-language course (with a total of 16 modules) at Bachelor's level together with the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering at Bochum University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the Westfälische Hochschule, the Faculties of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering are also planning their own 30 ECTS programs in English for the summer semester 2025. On the one hand, the offer is aimed at international students from the partner universities. However, local students can also strengthen their English language skills as part of the 30 ECTS programme and engage in intercultural exchange with the participating incoming students in the spirit of Internationalization@home .

Contact: Selma Halilović (Internationalization Coordinator)(Opens in a new tab) , University Alliance Ruhr(Internationalization Synergy Cluster)(Opens in a new tab) 

30 people-30 stories: Our university is colorful!(Opens in a new tab) 

What makes Fachhochschule Dortmund so special? It is the people, their stories, that we are able to accompany and support every day. 30 students, employees and alumni tell us what moves them and why their colorful CVs often hold the greatest insights. The "Colorful CVs" project was implemented by Vivian Rutsch and Jakob Reuter.

Contact: Vivian Rutsch vivian.rutschfh-dortmundde 

New video testimonials "Experience internationality": students and employees talk about their experiences

Studying or doing an internship semester abroad? In short interviews, students from various disciplines talk about their exciting experiences abroad, give organizational tips, reveal what was the most memorable experience for them and why they would definitely recommend a stay abroad to their fellow students.

UAS lecturers and employees also have the opportunity to teach abroad, take part in further training or get to know their own field of work at foreign universities through job shadowing. In three interviews, lecturers and employees report on their experiences and their financial support through the Erasmus+ program.

In their testimonials, four international students explain why they decided to study at Fachhochschule Dortmund, what they particularly like here and what their favorite location in Dortmund is.

To the videos:
Why study abroad? FH students report(Opens in a new tab) 
FH students report on their internships abroad 
UAS lecturers and employees talk about their experiences abroad(Opens in a new tab) 
My way to study at Fachhochschule Dortmund(Opens in a new tab) 

New information materials and presentation templates for international (delegation) visits

Presenting Fachhochschule Dortmund in an international context and thus increasing our international visibility - this is supported by the new information and marketing materials  bundled on a central page on the intranet. You will find materials for the target groups "International university management / delegations", "International prospective students" and "Potential international exchange students".

New edition of the brochure "Promoting internationalization"

The International Office at Fachhochschule Dortmund provides comprehensive counseling on various internal and external funding opportunities to support you in implementing your international projects. We have recently published a new edition of our brochure "Promoting internationalization - A guide for lecturers"(Opens in a new tab) , which offers you an initial practical guide to selecting suitable funding instruments from the first contact to structured cooperation. The brochure can be obtained from the International Office's application coaching(Opens in a new tab)  service. We are also happy to provide you with personal counseling.

Contact: Dr. André Menke (International Office)(Opens in a new tab) 

Upcoming dates

5.9.2024-23.2.2025: Photo exhibition "In Rooms" by FH professor Jörg Winde(Opens in a new tab) 

The Museum of Art and Cultural History in Dortmund is currently showing an exhibition of photographs by Jörg Winde from 1984 - 2024. Twelve selected series from Winde's work are on display. The accompanying program(Opens in a new tab)  also includes artist talks with Jörg Winde as well as a lecture and discussion evening on "Portraits from Iranian society" with works by Jörg Winde and Samaneh Khosravi (03.12.2024, 6 pm, admission free). Jörg Winde was Professor of Photography at Fachhochschule Dortmund from 1999 to 2024 and was the Faculty of Design's international representative for many years.

In-house training: German Course for Beginners (A0/A1)

Are you interested in learning or improving your basic German language skills? In order to plan future courses, we would like to be able to assess the number of participants and their needs. If you have any questions about language courses please do not hesitate to contact us as well. (Start date and frequency to be determined)

Contact: perspektivmanagementfh-dortmundde 

30.10.2024: Save the Date: We invite you to International Day!(Opens in a new tab) 

The aim of the day is to inform students about exchange opportunities and whet their appetite for studying abroad. Information tables from faculties, the International Office and exchange organizations will be flanked by entertaining activities and games about the international offers and projects of the University of Applied Sciences. In addition, we will offer a varied program of talks and presentations throughout the day - students and lecturers from the University of Applied Sciences will share their international experiences with the guests and will be available to answer questions about the practical organization of stays abroad and their intercultural experiences!

When: Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 10:00-15:00
Where: Emil-Figge-Str. 40 (Foyer Architecture) and
Sonnenstr. 96 (glass box near Mensa foyer room A069 | Infotalk room: A169)

1.11.2024: Application deadline for the "Internationalization of Studies and Teaching" funding programme

Applications for the university's internal funding programme for the internationalization of studies and teaching can be submitted by 1 November 2024. The funding program is announced twice a year on 01.05. and 01.11. The application documents and all further information (including information on currently funded projects) can be found on the funding program page(Opens in a new tab) .

Overview of approved third-party funded projects

DAAD FIT - Promoting international talent for integration into studies and the labor market: International Career Service (ICS)(Opens in a new tab) 

Project duration: 01.04.2024 - 21.12.2028
Funding amount: around 990,000 euros
Coordinating department: International Office

DAAD guest lecturer Prof. Leila Salykova (Kazakhstan)

From September to December 2024, Prof. Leila Salykova from Astana IT University (Kazakhstan) will be a DAAD-funded guest professor at Fachhochschule Dortmund. The visiting professorship is based in the Faculty of Computer Science. In cooperation with the Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL), Prof. Salykova will primarily teach on the European Master in Project Management (EuroMPM) and Master Digital Transformation study programs.

Erasmus+ KA171: Mobility with partner countries

Approved region: Sub-Saharan Africa, here with a project of the Faculty of Applied Social Studies for mobilities with Midlands State University in Zimbabwe (2024-2027).

If you have any questions about the project: Prof. Dr. Michael Boecker (Faculty of Applied Social Studies)(Opens in a new tab) 
For questions regarding the Erasmus funding line KA171: Dr. André Menke (International Office)(Opens in a new tab) 

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership "Serious Games for Building Resilience Through Nature-Based Solutions"

Laufzeit: 01.09.2024-31.08.2026
Funding amount: 250,000 euros
Coordinating Faculty: Design
Participating partner universities and institutions: University of Thessaly (Greece), Tallinn University (Estonia), Virtual Campus (Portugal), Reykjavik University (Iceland).

Contact: Prof. Dirk Gebhardt (Faculty of Design)(Opens in a new tab) 

Current DAAD program announcements

Integrated international double degree study programs(Opens in a new tab) 

The program promotes the development of international double degree study programs between German and foreign universities in order to strengthen exchange and the development of international structures. German universities are eligible to apply, with the exception of double degree programs with France.

Application deadline: 16.10.2024

ISAP - International Study and Training Partnerships(Opens in a new tab) 

The ISAP program promotes the development of long-term cooperation between German and foreign universities through student and lecturer exchanges. It supports mobility, mentoring measures, work meetings and alumni projects. German universities of all disciplines are eligible to apply, but projects with Erasmus program countries and double degrees are excluded. The aim is to establish international structures at German universities.

Application deadline: October 16, 2024

Contact: Dr. André Menke (International Office)(Opens in a new tab) 

Notes and references

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