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Summer party Graduate Center 2023

Summer party Graduate Center 2023


Summer party of the Graduate Center 2023

On 19.06.2023, more than 30 doctoral students, their friends, family members and some professors celebrated the Graduate Center's summer party on the UAS campus on Emil-Figge-Straße. In sunny weather and a warm 28 degrees, new doctorates were welcomed, completed doctorates were celebrated and special commitment was highlighted.

After Dr. Sabrina Raffenberg took over the moderation last year, Martin de Crignis, research assistant at the Graduate Center, led the attendees through the official part of the event this year. After all the guests had been welcomed and equipped with sunscreen and capis in the UAS colors, the first item on the agenda began immediately. On a stage decorated with summer flowers, the new Vice-Rector for Transfer and Research, Prof. Dr. Jörg Thiem, officially welcomed all those present. The new doctoral student representatives, who have been active since January 2023, were also introduced at the summer party. Both the old and the new representatives were honored for their special commitment. Afterwards, the four doctorates completed last year were celebrated together, as were the new doctoral candidates who were accepted for funding, who gave us a brief insight into their doctoral projects. The whole event was accompanied by music from Lea Bergen and Dennis Kresin, which created a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere between the program points.

The entertainment and networking aspect of the event was definitely not neglected, because while Max was still looking for Moritz, Barbie and Ken were already heading to the photo wall to have their picture taken right after Tom and Jerry. This year, every visitor to the summer party was one half of a couple and was supposed to find their counterpart during the event. This not only brought together doctoral students with different subjects from different faculties, but also made for a lot of fun and sometimes a little confusion. In the end, a total of 18 couples managed to find each other and immortalize themselves on our photo wall.

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • © Roland Baege Photography
  • © Roland Baege Photography
  • © Roland Baege Photography

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