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Hochschule vor Ort

Ideas competition "And now us!"


Collection of ideas from the pupils

Together with pupils, residents, tradespeople and students, the Hochschule vor Ort and the Nordstadt district management team held five idea workshops to think about the future use and design of Mehmet-Kubaşık-Platz.

The workshops focused on collecting the wishes and concerns of Nordstadt residents, who are among the potential users of the square.

The ideas for the (temporary) redesign of the square were recorded on extra-large posters. Selected ideas were visualized in detail in miniature models. An open-air cinema, more greenery and an autumn market: the wealth of ideas was reflected in five different models.

The focus was always on the memory of kiosk owner Mehmet Kubaşık, after whom the square has been named since 2019.
In 2006, he was murdered by members of an extreme right-wing terrorist cell, the so-called National Socialist Underground (NSU).

In two free participatory activities, the Nordstadtgalerie called on people to remember the square's namesake together and to express their own wishes for the use of the square.

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Hochschule vor Ort

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