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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund




Five years of internationalization funding


Prof. Dr. Stephan Weyers, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies, represented Fachhochschule Dortmund at the event and discussed the global opportunities for universities of applied sciences with strong regional roots with other experts.

For five years now, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has been specifically promoting the internationalization of universities of applied sciences (HAW). Fachhochschule Dortmund benefits from this, among other things, in the InduTwin@scale teaching project.

At a conference in Karlsruhe at the end of November, the DAAD gave a positive mid-term review of the "HAW.international" funding program, which will run until 2029. Prof. Dr. Stephan Weyers, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies, represented Fachhochschule Dortmund at the conference and discussed the global opportunities for universities of applied sciences with strong regional roots with other experts.

"Internationalization is important for our students," said Prof. Weyers. Employers are looking for internationally experienced staff and international networking during studies strengthens personal development. With this in mind, Fachhochschule Dortmund is focusing on expanding the range of courses offered in English and establishing double degree programs. "The focus on strategic partner universities is particularly relevant here, with which we cooperate intensively in the long term, both in the exchange of students and in the area of research and at management level," says Stephan Weyers. The trend towards strategic partnerships was also clearly evident at the conference in Karlsruhe.

InduTwin and InduTwin@scale in the DAAD funding program

Conference in Karlsruhe

One of the first projects funded by the DAAD was the UAS project "InduTwin". Strategic collaborations were developed for three central Bachelor's programs, particularly with partners in Latin America and Asia. At partner universities, suitable Bachelor's programs were identified that corresponded to the education at Fachhochschule Dortmund and, if necessary, modified. The resulting twins make it easier to organize an exchange - from joint course content to the possibility of a double degree at two universities. Prof. Weyers: "Last year, for example, we were able to sign a corresponding double degree agreement for two Master's courses at the Faculty of Computer Science with the Belgian KU Leuven."

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"Double Degree" at Fachhochschule Dortmund and KU Leuven

Since the beginning of 2024, the DAAD has also been funding the follow-up project InduTwin@scale, which aims to build on the successes of the first funding phase.

In total, the DAAD has included almost 120 projects in the "HAW.international" funding program since 2019. And supported more than 7,000 students, lecturers and researchers, as scholarships are also awarded in addition to project funding. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing a total of 70 million euros for this purpose.

"For us, the HAW.International programme is a beacon in the promotion of internationalization. It ensures greater global visibility for Germany's universities of applied sciences. The results so far also show how effective the support for HAWs in internationalization is," said DAAD President Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee. "More than two thirds of universities of applied sciences in Germany have already participated in the program. In the coming years, we want to continue to support as many universities of applied sciences as possible in expanding their international competitiveness and preparing students for the challenges of the globalized world of work."