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Bachelor Film & Sound

Fast facts

  • Department


  • Stand/version


  • Standard period of study (semester)


  • ECTS


Study plan

0. Semester1. Semester2. Semester3. Semester4. Semester5. Semester6. Semester7. Semester


  • N/A
  • 0SWS
  • 0ECTS

Film-, Video- und Tontechnik

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 8ECTS

Audio-visuelle Analyse

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS


  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Digital World / Klangsynthese 1

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Akusmatik / Akustik und Instrumentenkunde

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Expanded Media 3

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS


  • PF
  • 2SWS
  • 12ECTS

Filmische Übungen 1

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Erweiternde Gestaltungsgrundlagen 1

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Erweiternde Gestaltungsgrundlagen 2

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Expanded Media 1

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Expanded Media 2

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Film-Produktion und Montage 2

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Schlüsselkompetenzen 3: Existenzgründung

  • PF
  • 2SWS
  • 6ECTS


  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Filmische Übungen 2

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Experimental Sound-Design / Acoustic Art

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Film-Produktion und Montage 1

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Film-Konzeption und Dreh-Vorbereitung 2

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

IKF Elektronische Komposition

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Schule des Hörens / Hörspiel

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Grundvorlesungen Wissenschaften

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 6ECTS

Film-Konzeption und Dreh-Vorbereitung 1

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Interdisziplinäres Gestaltungsprojekt 1

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Interdisziplinäres Gestaltungsprojekt 2

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Interdisziplinäres Gestaltungsprojekt 3

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Storytelling 1

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Storytelling 2

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 8ECTS

Schlüsselkompetenzen 1: Rhetorik, Selbstmanagement und Präsentationstechniken

  • PF
  • 2SWS
  • 4ECTS

Set-Tonaufnahmen / Field-Recording 1

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Schlüsselkompetenzen 2: Betriebswirtschaftliche und juristische Grundlagen, Urheberrecht

  • PF
  • 2SWS
  • 4ECTS

Set-Tonaufnahmen / Field-Recording 2

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Tonaufnahme und Bearbeitung

  • PF
  • 4SWS
  • 6ECTS

Sound-Editing / Sound-Design (2.0)

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Wissenschaftl. Methoden: Bildanalyse, Textlektüre, Werk- u. Projektkritik

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 8ECTS

Sound-Editing / Sound-Design 2 (5.1)

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 10ECTS

Wissenschaftliche Vertiefung: Narration, Inszenierung, Produktion

  • PF
  • 6SWS
  • 8ECTS

Compulsory elective modules (1)

  • Compulsory elective modules 0. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 1. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 2. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 3. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 4. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 6. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 7. Semester

Module overview

0. Semester of study

  • N/A
  • 0 SWS
  • 0 ECTS

  • Number

    F+SD 25 HFM VII

  • Duration (semester)


1. Semester of study

Film-, Video- und Tontechnik
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F+SD 2 NFM I

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    172,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Basic theoretical and practical skills in the areas of sound and image recording and digital workflow:
- Acoustics and optics
- Film sound and video technology
- Digital workflow for production/post-production


The module teaches basic technical skills that are necessary for the production of a film project
. This includes techniques from the areas of image and sound recording, digital workflow and technical and team-oriented
project logistics.

Participation requirements

no requirements

Forms of examination

2 exams: video technology and sound technology

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

Formed from the 2 assessments of the two exams in equal proportions

Filmische Übungen 1
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    F 1 HFM I

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    67,5 h

  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Basic theoretical and practical skills in film design, in the areas of image design, editing and sound.


In the courses of the module, students learn basic creative working methods in simple film exercises.
In a broader context, methodical approaches to the creative, technical and team-oriented logistics of a film project are taught.

Participation requirements

no requirement

Forms of examination

Technical examination and presentation of the individual exercise projects

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

All of the following BA Film & Sound subject modules

Importance of the grade for the final grade

Results from the average of the 2 examination results / technique + exercise project

  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F 3 NFM II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    45 h

  • Self-study

    135 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Leading actors in rehearsals and in scenic simulations of shoots against the background of elaborated verbal and non-verbal short shooting plots


  • Improvisation for actors
  • Acting with the help of improvisation models
  • Body training
  • Breathing, posture, gait
  • Handling various rhetorical techniques in free speech
  • Audition and casting techniques
  • Instruction and communication techniques
  • Team exercises
  • Conflict management

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

2 partial examinations (acting improvisation + acting direction)

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

Results from the average of the 2 examination results

Schule des Hörens / Hörspiel
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 1 HFM I

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Ear training in the sense of Murray-Schaeffer's "sound education"
Aural analysis of selected radio plays / audio pieces and works of Ars Acoustica
Conception and layout of an own radio play to be realized (writing text and graphic score)
Realization of the radio play with the help of sound recording equipment, in the recording studio and on a DAW


Listening exercises/ acoustic diary
Imitation of noises and sound phenomena with the voice (solo and choral)
Improvising acting speech variations
Presentation of a listening analysis of a selected radio play/radioplay
Conception and writing of a radio play
Create your own recordings for the radio play
Editing the audio piece in a DAW / stereo mix and final production of a sound carrier

Participation requirements

No requirements

Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, passed partial module final examinations: Listening exercises homework, presentation analysis, pitching, score submission, audible layout submission

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

All other SD HFM + SD NFM

Importance of the grade for the final grade

Weighted average of the 3 partial performances:
Presentation analysis, score submission, audible layout submission

Storytelling 1
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F+SD 4 NFM 3

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    112,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the analysis and development of film material with regard to visual narrative strategies and image strategies. Understanding of audiovisual interactions between the entire film soundtrack and the image.


Analyze films of different genres and modern narrative forms. Reviewing target formulations for visual storytelling and
Develop alternatives. Relating contemporary art to own designs. Visiting exhibitions. Communicating the analytical thought process in
communicating images. Linguistic turn and visual turn. Expanding your own horizons by crossing over with other visual forms.
The interaction of sound to create a flow of images
. Design and conception of own projects in the context of developed narrative strategies.

Participation requirements

no requirement

Forms of examination

Presentation and submission of a written, graphic concept for your own fictitious project

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

F6 + SD6 NFM IV Storytelling 2

Importance of the grade for the final grade

Average of the evaluations of the presentation and the concept on paper

Tonaufnahme und Bearbeitung
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 3 NFM II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    135 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Basic technical skills for working with DAWs and in the field of voice/noise synchronization and sound post-processing.
Introduction to digital audio workstations.


- Introduction to voice/sound synchronization recordings
- Transfer, editing, processing and archiving of sound recordings

This seminar deepens and supplements the sound engineering part of the audio/video technology module with the basic technical skills for working with digital audio workstations, the methods and techniques for making voice and sound synchronization recordings as well as the transfer, editing, processing and archiving of sound recordings. The aim is to lay the foundation for professional collaboration in both the production and post-production of film projects in the field of sound.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Presentation, written exam, recording studio exam

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

weighted average of the 3 partial performances

2. Semester of study

Audio-visuelle Analyse
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 5 HFM II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Learning methods for verbal, written and graphic analysis of audio-visual concepts of existing exemplary films


Development of Michel Chion's audio-visual vocabulary (presentation on selected terms)
Written presentations on analyses of opening sequences of given films
Oral-audio-visual presentations of opening sequences of given films
Analysis exams (covering method)

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, presentation 1 vocabulary (oral), presentation 2 analysis (oral + written), written exam

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

weighted average of the 3 partial performances

Erweiternde Gestaltungsgrundlagen 1
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 7 EGG I

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Students learn basic techniques, design skills and creative skills in a discipline other than the discipline of their chosen study program. Acquiring the media characteristics of other subject-specific laws and contexts leads to a basic interdisciplinary understanding.


In the offer Photography: Design, creation and execution of one or more smaller photo series, presentation
In the Film offer: ideas, pitching, treatment, expose / video shoot with available lights / editing + dubbing in Premiere or Final CutPro / DVD finishing
In the sound design offer: sound concept for a given video clip / layout of the sound concept in Audacity or Reaper / stereo mix and finishing of a QT video with sound
In the Object and spatial design course: research, conception and design in design tasks of spatial exploration and three-dimensional communication design with subsequent presentation
. In the offer Communication Design: Conception and design of a design task from
the field of communication design. Design, realization and presentation.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Active project participation, concise written concept and design sketch, presentation of project work

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Filmische Übungen 2
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    F 5 HFM II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    67,5 h

  • Self-study

    292,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

In-depth theoretical and practical skills in film design, in the areas of image design, editing and sound.


In the courses of the module, students learn practical technical and creative working methods in the development, production and post-production of short practice films in larger teams. In a broader context, genre-dependent, methodical approaches to the technical and team-oriented logistics of a film project are taught.

Participation requirements

Module F1 HFM I - Film Exercises I

Forms of examination

2 partial examinations

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

Is calculated in equal parts from the results of both partial examinations

Grundvorlesungen Wissenschaften
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 8 W I

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Announcement with fundamental scientific and methodological positions of rank that may claim relevance for design and design studies in the faculty's study programs. Focal points: Art studies and visual culture, media studies and media philosophy, design studies and practical and theoretical aesthetics.
Enabling initial reflection on design practice in the light of the theoretical and academic positions taught.
In this sense, the teaching of basic presentation and writing skills (oral and written presentations)


The contents of the module "Basic Lectures in the Sciences" serve the basic teaching in the three scientific fields (art sciences/visual culture, media sciences/media philosophy/design sciences/theoretical and practical aesthetics). And practical aesthetics) as well as the presentation and practice of forms of scientific work.
The subject-specific elements and methods of the most important theoretical positions are to be developed in one seminar lecture in each of the three academic fields using design examples. Particular emphasis is placed on the historical derivation of current positions.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Term paper, presentation, minutes, written exam, oral exam

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Scientific Methods W II

Importance of the grade for the final grade

3 Submodule grades

Storytelling 2
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 6 NFM IV

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    172,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Basic theoretical and practical skills in the conception of visual dramaturgy


Getting to know the narrative potential of camera, light, color, shot sizes, framing, image composition, perspectives, spatial and image depths,
Camera movements, dramaturgical resolution, editing and compositing.
Dramaturgical conception of a cinematic space. Reviewing target formulations for storytelling and developing alternatives. Art in
relation to own designs. Realization of the concepts in small practical exercises of different genres.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, passed partial module final exams:
Submission of a detailed concept for direction, camera, editing or sound design (depending on the position in the project)
Submission of a short video work realized on the basis of the concept

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

F9 HFM III + SD 10 NFM 5

Importance of the grade for the final grade

Evaluation of both submitted works in equal parts

3. Semester of study

  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F 10 NFM V

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    45 h

  • Self-study

    195 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Analysis of existing material and scripts.
Search for new material and the development of screenplays.
Basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the analysis of narrative and montage strategies in different genres. Ability to analyze texts and scripts and to practically implement them in a visual and audio dramaturgical concept. Understanding of audio-visual interactions between the entire film soundtrack and the image.


Getting to know the basic dramaturgical concepts of cinematic narration. In doing so, dramaturgical concepts of
mainstream cinema as well as dramaturgy in documentary film and alternative narrative styles from experimental storytelling are analyzed. Analyze existing screenplay versions and deal with all relevant aspects of a film project, such as characters, theme and structure, in detail and at length.
Based on the analysis, material is developed in small exercises and brought to screenplay version.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

Submission of a written work (exposé, screenplay) and oral examination

Importance of the grade for the final grade

The overall grade is the average of the two partial examinations.

Erweiternde Gestaltungsgrundlagen 2
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 11 EGG II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Learning basic techniques, design skills and creative abilities of another "non-specialist" discipline. Acquiring the laws and contexts of media leads to a basic interdisciplinary understanding in design practice.


In the offer photography: conception and design, design and execution of one or more smaller photo series, presentation

In the Film offer: ideas, pitching, treatment, expose / video shoot with available lights / editing + sound in Premiere or Final CutPro / DVD finishing

In the Sound Design offer: sound concept for a given video clip / layout of the sound concept in Audacity or Reaper / stereo mix and finishing of a QT video with sound

In the Object and spatial design offer: Research, conception and design in design tasks of spatial exploration and three-dimensional communication design with subsequent presentation.

In the offer Communication Design: Conception and design of a design task from the field of communication design. Design, realization and presentation.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Active project collaboration, written concept and design sketch, presentation

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Experimental Sound-Design / Acoustic Art
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 10 NFM V

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Scientific research on selected radio plays / audio plays / works of Ars-Acoustica / Cinema for the ears and their protagonists.
Conception and layout of your own radio play or visu-audition to be realized (write a text-free concept if possible)
Realization of the audio film with the help of sound recording equipment, in the recording studio and on a DAW (if necessary also cameras and montage program)


Listening analysis
Presentation on a selected radio play (Cinema for the ears) and its protagonists (artistic environment)
Conception and writing of a radio play
Field recording of atmos and effects (including video recordings if necessary)
Recording studio recordings (sounds and speech)
Editing the audio piece in a DAW or, if necessary, an audio film in a montage program
Stereo mixing and final production of a sound carrier or video

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, passed partial module final examinations:
Presentation, written elaboration on the presentation topic, audio or visual audition conception and realization

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

The overall grade is calculated as the average of the 4 partial examinations in equal proportions

Film-Konzeption und Dreh-Vorbereitung 1
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    F 9 HFM III

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    67,5 h

  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Theoretical and practical expertise in all areas of the production process of a film production.
Getting to know a wide variety of design approaches, assessing audio-visual strategies and critically reviewing your own implementation ideas while working on your own film project. Practical experience in shooting film sequences.
Training in the ability to assess responsibilities in the production process. Teamwork. Experience in the team process.


The module is sectioned and linked to module F HFM IV (Film Postproduction I).
Short film projects are developed in teams and production strategies and post-production plans are worked out.
The planned cinematic works can be conceived both as documentaries and as scenes.
The short film projects developed and planned in the module are realized in teams.
In the courses, project-oriented specialist and methodological skills in the central areas of film production and in the production phase are taught and practically tested and implemented.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

At least 80% attendance, 2 partial examinations, passed partial module final examinations:
  •  Presentation
  • .
  •  Submission of a treatment or screenplay, which also includes information on the cinematic realization.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

Average of 2 partial examination results

Schlüsselkompetenzen 1: Rhetorik, Selbstmanagement und Präsentationstechniken
  • PF
  • 2 SWS
  • 4 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 12 SK I

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Learning the basics of speaking freely and successfully preparing presentations and specialist lectures. They also acquire skills in moderating meetings and working sessions. Students are enabled to improve their social communication and self-reflection skills and to become involved in civil society. Acquisition of the technical and psychological basics by means of individual and group work; this also includes learning individual and methodological skills. This knowledge ensures the successful completion of the course, as the skills learned can be applied in examinations and interdisciplinary projects.


Possible contents:
  • Basics of free speaking, improving your own speaking style and appearance
  • Basics of scientific (written) working techniques
  • Communication in a team and with potential clients
  • Developing the content of presentations (target group-oriented)
  • Successful targeted presentations (colloquium, project, jury)
  • Learning the basics of moderation, various techniques
  • Moderating discussions in a team
  • Moderation of work discussions
  • Basics, technical aids, programs for presentations and moderation
  • Reflection on the course of studies to date and the level of performance in the context of progress meetings

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Graded tests; proven seminar attendance of at least 80%
Proof of participation in the study status interview

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Sound-Editing / Sound-Design (2.0)
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 9 HFM III

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

This first part of the Sound Editing/Sound Design seminar deals with all aspects of sound editing for short films. The student short films that have emerged from the film modules Storytelling and/or Filmic Exercises should serve as the basis for this. Knowledge from the audio/video technology and sound recording and editing seminars is assumed.
During this seminar, the short films will go through all the stages of standard sound post-processing and, at the end, will be mixed for TV according to current standards. Techniques and strategies for sound editing of dialog, atmos, effects as well as for spotting, taking and editing ADR and Foley will be taught. Furthermore, SFX design and the realization of TV-compliant stereo mixes will be introduced.


Dialog/Atmo/SFX Editing
ADR/Foley Spotting/Taking/Editing
SFX Design
Stereo mixing for TV

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

Continuous project collaboration over the course of the semester
Stereo mixing of the project

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

weighted average of the 2 partial performances

4. Semester of study

Digital World / Klangsynthese 1
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 14 NFM VI

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Extension of compositional competence to related disciplines
Basic handling of network-supported computer environments
Documentation of own learning progress and content in written form


Sound generation and transformation / sound synthesis I
Development of basic computer and network knowledge and instrumental and aural analytical skills

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

1st audition
2nd exam
3. written exam
4. submission of a 15-page semester report

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

2 grades: Evaluation of the two exams

Expanded Media 1
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F 14 NFM VI

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    45 h

  • Self-study

    195 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Analysis of experimental narrative strategies in the context of linear and non-linear forms


Current strategies in a wide variety of media on a screen or in a spatial context, artistic and
application-related forms of narrative with video and film are examined. Analysis of artistic strategies, experimental dramaturgies, visual language and kinetics, sound, linear and non-linear narratives in sound and visualization, spatial and interactive strategies, narrative strategies with moving images beyond cinema and black box, DVD, web, installations.
Examination of the beginnings of video art and contemporary media art, visits to exhibitions.
These strategies are explored and analyzed in small practice projects.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

Presentation of an analysis paper and the results of the exercise projects

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

Is calculated proportionally from the results of the two partial examinations 25% presentation and 75% exercise projects

Film-Produktion und Montage 1
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    F 13 HFM IV

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    67,5 Std.

  • Self-study

    232,5 Std.

Learning outcomes/competences

Theoretical and practical professional competence in the application of all techniques necessary for film production of the
content-related, formal and technical editing of the produced short film project in the chosen genre of documentary or
feature film.


Within the module, 2 courses must be taken.
The short film projects developed and produced in Module F HFM III will be completed.
In the compulsory courses, important technical and methodological skills for processing the existing image and
sound elements of the respective production, and the originally planned film structure is checked for its functionality
and alternative editing options are explored.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

2 partial examinations (assembly strategies / technology + project completion)

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

Is calculated in equal parts from the results of the two partial examinations

Interdisziplinäres Gestaltungsprojekt 1
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 15 IDP I

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

By working on integrative design projects, students from all study programs jointly acquire knowledge of creative forms of expression. In the project work, the respective professional competence of the different disciplines is combined. Through the process of creating individual pieces of work or a larger overall design project produced in the group, skills for interdisciplinary discussion and reflection are imparted.
The ability to work in a team and to acquire an understanding of the laws and interrelationships of one's own discipline compared to "non-specialist" disciplines.
The ability to reflect on cross-media working modes is expanded.


Design project for the realization of experimental or application-related visual or audiovisual works. Design, concept, realization and presentation.
In team-oriented work, students will work on a joint design project within their study program discipline together with fellow students from other study programs. These projects may also be open courses from other design modules.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Active project collaboration, written concept and design sketch, project realization, project presentation

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Set-Tonaufnahmen / Field-Recording 1
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 13 HFM VI

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

This two-part seminar serves as an intensive examination of all aspects of original sound work for both scenic and documentary productions. The technical and technical skills should enable students to work comprehensively and professionally in the field of original sound in scenic and documentary film productions. The skills learned are applied and practiced in practical exercises and through participation in filming. The pure sound recording technique is supplemented by all those technical aspects that are not directly related to the recording of the original sound, but in addition to these fall within the responsibility of the original sound master in film productions - e.g. timecode linking, sound recordings, setting up monitoring options for the director/script, etc.
The seminar units on field recording deal with sound recording technology and the conceptual considerations required to create high-quality sound/noise/effects recordings away from a film set or sound studio for later use in sound design. The knowledge acquired in field recording can of course also be put to good use in the context of original sound work.


- Technical conception
- Shooting routines and methods for original sound work (fishing guidance and handling clip-on microphones, metadata management / sound reports)
- Only tones, after speakers, room tones
- Radio systems and frequency management
- Timecode linking, provision of monitoring options, audio feeds, etc.
- Practical participation in filming
- Organization and implementation of field recordings
- Mono/multi-channel miking
- metadata-based packaging and archiving of field recordings in the sound library of the FH sound studio

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

Realization of original sound recordings
Realization of field recordings

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

weighted average of the 2 partial performances

Wissenschaftl. Methoden: Bildanalyse, Textlektüre, Werk- u. Projektkritik
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 16 W II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Building on in-depth theoretical, methodological and scientific knowledge in the field of art, media, design and taking into account cultural and social topics and issues. Expansion of media-specific skills from a systematic and historical perspective and in particular with regard to communicative, editorial, photographic, image production and processing, film and audio-specific, space and object-specific and scenographic design intentions and concepts.


The content of the modules offered in the specialization in science I serves the specific acquisition of design-relevant theoretical discourses with which the courses in the basic lectures have familiarized students. This involves image analyses and text readings, relevant work and project criticism. Subject-specific theories, analyses and terminology are mapped and applied to current and historical design productions in the context of different media. The aim is to train students' critical and presentation skills with a view to current fields of discourse in art, media and design studies. The courses are also didacticized from a systematic point of view; the aspects correspond to the headings of the (elective) focus areas: Design/art/culture - signs/media/aesthetics - communication/space/society.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Term paper, presentation, minutes, written exam, or oral exam

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Scientific deepening

Importance of the grade for the final grade

The module grade is calculated either as a single grade from the seminar or as the sum of the partial grades in the arithmetic mean weighted according to the WL/CP shares, the attendance of two individual courses.

5. Semester of study

Akusmatik / Akustik und Instrumentenkunde
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 18-1 NFM VII

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    45 h

  • Self-study

    195 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Knowledge of historical and systematic contexts


Examination of playing techniques for different instruments as a basis for reading and interpreting scores

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, passed partial module final examinations: 1. written examination 2. presentation/term paper 3. written examination 4. written examination 5. submission of a
15-page resume (music theory or music history)

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 sheet music: Acoustics and instrumentology o. Music history

Expanded Media 2
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F 18 NFM VII

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    45 h

  • Self-study

    195 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Artistic project work with film and video - conception and production


Building on module F 14 NFM IV Expanded Media I
In this module, artistic/application-related projects and their forms of narration with video and film are conceived and produced using a wide variety of media. Dramaturgies are developed in a spatial, media or interactive context.
Development of own project ideas, thematic analysis and development of presentation concepts, on and off screen.
Experimental work with film, video, sound, light, color, space, materials, single and multi-channel video, interactive, transmedia content, mixed media, web, online video, video installations.
Introduction to production techniques and working methods required in the respective project.
The concepts are produced during the event.

Participation requirements

F14 NFM IV - Expanded Media I

Forms of examination

1 module examination

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 grade

Film-Konzeption und Dreh-Vorbereitung 2
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    F 17 HFM V

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    67,5 h

  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Theoretical and practical competence in the conception and planning of a film or television production.


The module is project-oriented in conjunction with module F 21 HFM VI (Film Postproduction II).
Film or television projects are developed and planned for production and post-production.
The formats of the projects are based on the current requirements of various festivals and broadcasting formats in television.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

Submission of a written work (exposé, treatment, screenplay) and an oral examination.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

The overall grade is the average of the two partial examinations

Interdisziplinäres Gestaltungsprojekt 2
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 19 IDP II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

By working on integrative design projects, students from all study programs acquire knowledge of creative forms of expression. In the project work, the students' respective expertise from different disciplines is combined. The ability to make an individual statement within a creative, intellectual and social discourse is expanded. The ability to work in a team and to acquire an understanding of the laws and interrelationships of one's own discipline in relation to "non-specialist" disciplines. The ability to reflect on cross-media working modes is expanded.


The discourse on content and creative expression are at the center of the work on freely selectable or given topics with social, artistic or philosophical relevance.
Conception and design, design and, if necessary, execution of e.g: Exhibition, book, magazine, event, scenographic intervention, installation, audio-visual project, video clip, short film, sound concept.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Active project collaboration, written concept and design sketch, project realization if necessary,
Project presentation

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Schlüsselkompetenzen 2: Betriebswirtschaftliche und juristische Grundlagen, Urheberrecht
  • PF
  • 2 SWS
  • 4 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 20 SK II

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Students are put in a position to be able to positively start and run a business, later become self-employed or work as an employee in a media company. To do this, they need basic knowledge of business management practice as well as legal knowledge. Among other things, they should learn commercial calculation methods, accounting basics and, in particular, how to create orders, offers, invoices and order confirmations. Acquiring basic knowledge of contract law and labor law. Getting to know different types of companies and acquiring knowledge of entrepreneurial activity.


Possible contents:
Economic basics
Commercial and Business Studies basics
Commercial calculation methods, basics of bookkeeping
Cost and activity accounting
Basic legal terms
Copyright law, media law, image and license law, as well as related legal areas such as personal rights
Project management
Self and time management

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Graded test certificates; proven seminar attendance of at least 80%

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Sound-Editing / Sound-Design 2 (5.1)
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 17 HFM V

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

This second part of the seminar Sound Editing/Sound Design deals with all aspects of cinema sound editing for medium-length films with a focus on 2nd year films (feature or documentary films up to 60 minutes in length). Knowledge from the seminar Sound Editing / Sound Design 1 is a prerequisite. In the course of this seminar, the film(s) to be dubbed will go through all the stages of standard sound editing and should ultimately lead to a mix preparation that meets current cinema standards. Techniques and strategies for sound editing of dialog, atmos, effects as well as for spotting, taking and editing ADR and Foley will be deepened. Furthermore, SFX design with regard to cinema mixing will be introduced.


Dialog/Atmo/SFX Editing (workflow for cinema surround)
ADR/Foley Spotting/Taking/Editing
SFX Design (workflow for cinema surround)
5.1 pre-mixing for cinema
Mixing assistance in an external cinema film studio

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

1 Module examination
Acceptance of a finished 5.1 mix preparation in the DAW

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

SD25 HFM VII - Bachelor thesis

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Note: Evaluation of the mixture preparation

  • WP
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 18-2 NFM VII

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    195 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Knowledge of historical and systematic contexts


Overview of western music and cultural history

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, passed partial module final examinations: 1. written examination 2. presentation/term paper 3. written examination 4. written examination 5. submission of a
15-page resume (music theory or music history)

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 sheet music: Acoustics and instrumentology o. Music history

6. Semester of study

Expanded Media 3
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F 22 NFM VIII

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    45 h

  • Self-study

    195 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Artistic project work with film and video - post-production


This module is the continuation of the module F NFM V Expanded Media II
In this module, the productions from the Expanded Media II module are post-produced and presented.
Exploration and analysis of own work in image/sound/space.
Important compositional methods and post-production techniques required for the respective projects are taught.
In the events, the students' own works in image/sound/space are examined for their effect/reception and, if necessary, alternative strategies are developed.
The presentations will be completed and presented as part of the seminar.

Participation requirements

F14 NFM VI + F18 NFM VIII - Expanded Media I / II

Forms of examination

Submission and presentation of the project

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

Results proportionally from the assessment of the work (75%) and the presentation (25%)

Film-Produktion und Montage 2
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    F 21 HFM VI

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    67,5 Std.

  • Self-study

    232,5 Std.

Learning outcomes/competences

Theoretical and practical professional competence in the application of all techniques necessary for the film production of the content, formal and technical processing of the produced film or television project.


The film or television projects produced in Module F HFM V are completed. In the compulsory courses, important technical and methodological skills for editing the existing image and sound elements of the respective production are taught, and the originally planned film structure is checked for its functionality and alternative editing options are developed.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

Submission of the edited film (rough cut, final version of the picture or trailer) and oral examination.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

The overall grade is the average of the two partial examinations

IKF Elektronische Komposition
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 22 NFM VIII

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    195 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Expansion of compositional expertise to include related disciplines


Basic programming techniques
Application of programming skills in an instrumental-electronic or purely electronic compositional work

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, passed partial module final exams
1. see there, 2. written exam, 3. portfolio, 4. project 5. final seminar report / project portfolio + pitching

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 grade: Made up of the 4 assessments of the first 4 partial examinations

Interdisziplinäres Gestaltungsprojekt 3
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 23 IDPIIII

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Students are trained to implement a given topic or communication content within the framework of team-based work. The creative expression is at the service of the design assignment with social, cultural or philosophical relevance. Understanding the relationship of the design work to the social, ecological or cultural environment.
Teamwork promotes social skills, especially in large projects (e.g. departmental projects) in which students from different disciplines work together to develop and implement concepts. The institution of a temporary agency, in which the communicative and creative processes are integrated, is realized in the university and project context. Competence in the implementation of innovative design solutions in a network of media articulations.


Comprehensive design project in the interplay of diverse media, methodological and conceptual strategies and forms of expression. The collective work is the starting point and focus of the creative work, which combines the creative and communicative criteria into a holistic product.

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Active project collaboration, written concept and design sketch, project realization if necessary, project presentation

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Set-Tonaufnahmen / Field-Recording 2
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number

    SD 21 HFM VI

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    232,5 h

Learning outcomes/competences

This two-part seminar deepens the intensive examination of all aspects of original sound work for both scenic and documentary productions. The skills learned will be further practiced and deepened in practical exercises and through participation in filming. The pure recording work is supplemented by all those technical aspects that provide sound material for later surround editing (cinema sound).
The seminar units on field recording deal with sound recording technology and the conceptual considerations required to produce high-quality sound/noise/effects recordings away from a film set or sound studio for later use in surround sound design.


- Technical conception
- Shooting routines and methods for original sound work (fishing guidance and handling clip-on microphones, metadata management / sound reports)
- Only tones, after speakers, room tones
- Radio systems and frequency management
- Timecode linking, provision of monitoring options, audio feeds, etc.
- Practical participation in filming
- Organization and execution of field recordings, especially with extension to surround recordings or later use for surround editing
- Mono/multi-channel miking (also experimental)
- Extensive and detailed metadata-based packaging and archiving of field recordings in the sound library of the FH sound studio

Participation requirements

SD13 HFM IV - Set Sound/Field Recording I

Forms of examination

Realization of original sound recordings
Realization of field recordings
Metadata-based packaging and archiving of field recordings

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)


Importance of the grade for the final grade

weighted average of the 3 partial performances

Wissenschaftliche Vertiefung: Narration, Inszenierung, Produktion
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 24 W III

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Expansion of transfer skills between science/design theory and creative practice, taking into account cultural and social topics and issues. Expansion of media-specific, in particular production-related knowledge and skills with regard to communicative, editorial, photographic, image production and processing, film and audio-specific, space and object-specific as well as scenographic design concepts, drafts and creative interventions.


The content of the module offerings in Advanced Studies II serves the creative implementation of the teaching content of previous academic offerings. The seminars in specialization II focus on the communicative and scenic situations relevant to design as well as the narrative, dramatic and rhetorical links between the theory and discourse positions taught.
Special consideration is given to the specific media languages and dialects of the design courses (design specializations) at the Faculty of Design and the promotion of their linguistic-reflective articulation skills in spoken and written form. The in-depth study may also include exemplary performance events.

Participation requirements

W II (Scientific Methods)

Forms of examination

Term paper, presentation, minutes, written exam, or oral exam

Importance of the grade for the final grade

The module grade is calculated either as a single grade from the seminar or as the sum of the partial grades in the arithmetic mean (weighted according to the WL/CP shares of attendance) of two individual courses.

7. Semester of study

  • PF
  • 2 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 26 NFM IX

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Self-study

    315 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Theoretical and practical professional competence in the application and coordination of all work processes necessary for a performance production in musical-theatrical contexts and collaborations.
Learning interdisciplinary collaboration and working styles in larger project contexts than possible at Fachhochschule Dortmund. Decentralized networked work.


Development, production or final production of a scenic or virtual interactive production under professional production conditions. Both the conception, layout and realization of the project will be supervised by lecturers from Fachhochschule Dortmund and the ICEM of the FudK.

Participation requirements


Forms of examination

min. 80% attendance, passed partial module final exams
1. conception 2. score 3. realization 4. written documentation / video recording + pitching

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA degree

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 grade: Made up of the 4 assessments of the first 4 partial examinations

Schlüsselkompetenzen 3: Existenzgründung
  • PF
  • 2 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number

    F +SD 27 SK III

  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


Learning outcomes/competences

Building on key competencies I and II, skills and competencies for achieving professional independence and starting a business are learned. Viable business ideas are brought to fruition by analyzing the market situation, drawing up a business plan and analyzing internal work processes. The commercial and legal basics acquired in Key Competence II are specifically expanded and adapted to the requirements of the industry, depending on the "business idea". Marketing strategies and techniques are developed in a targeted manner and implemented in terms of branding. Knowledge of national and international funding and programs for start-ups. In addition, students are enabled and encouraged to engage in civil society.


Possible contents:
Developing a business idea
Benchmarking a business idea
Developing a business plan, incl. general terms and conditions
Work organization / workflow optimization
Associations, cooperatives, insurance companies
Financing, funding programs, granting of loans
Marketing strategies
Customer acquisition, customer care

Participation requirements

No prerequisite

Forms of examination

Graded test certificates; proven seminar attendance of at least 80%

Importance of the grade for the final grade

1 Module grade

Notes and references

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