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Master Soziale Arbeit: Jugend in Theorie und Praxis

Fast facts

  • Department

    Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

  • Stand/version


  • Standard period of study (semester)


  • ECTS


Study plan

  • Compulsory elective modules 1. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 2. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 3. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 4. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 5. Semester

Module overview

1. Semester of study

Kinder und Jugend im Recht
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    60 h

  • Self-study

    120 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students of this module have leadership skills in the field of working with young people. On the basis of sound legal and social science knowledge of criminal policy and welfare state change processes, they are able to think conceptually in a theory-based way and act effectively in practice. They have the ability to analyze and critically question the goals and intentions of legislators based on social science findings. They will be able to apply the legal provisions relevant to childhood and adolescence in a results-oriented manner, focusing on the problems, needs and life situations of young people.

Sub-area I: In-depth study of the legal foundations of child and youth welfare and the parent-child relationship
Students are able to conceptualize and design important areas of development and opportunities for young people to participate, taking into account key legal and political aspects. They have learned to identify relevant legal regulations, particularly in the area of family and child and youth welfare law, and to apply them in practice. You will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework and the limits of social work intervention when dealing with children and young people.
Sub-area II: Juvenile criminology and juvenile criminal law
Students have developed an in-depth understanding of juvenile delinquency, in particular for social attribution processes. They have dealt with the system of sanctions under juvenile criminal law and the effects from a criminological perspective as well as methods of researching these. They are aware of the limits of scientific knowledge for prognosis and evaluation. They will be able to understand criminal policy concepts and critically examine them from a social science perspective, as well as reflect theoretically on measures for the social integration of young people and have learned to respect the legal position of those affected.


  •  Age limits and their significance in law
  •  Legal status of the child in the family
  •  Parents and guardians
  •  Child endangerment and withdrawal of custody
  •  Tasks of child and youth welfare services
  •  Deviant behavior in adolescence, delinquency and criminality
  •  Juvenile criminal sanction system and age gradations
  •  Methods and results of international sanction research
  •  Explanations of criminality and labeling perspective
  •  Prediction, risk, pre-crime and sensitization
  •  Children and young people as victims and offenders in crime policy discourses

Teaching methods

Seminar-based course
Lecture, discussion, text work, excerpt, presentations, role play, excursion

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Written exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

1 SL in sub-area II

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master "Social Work: Youth in Theory and Practice"


AK HochschullehrerInnen Kriminologie (Hrsg.): Kriminologie und Soziale Arbeit, Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Verlag 2014.

Dollinger, Bernd / Henning Schmidt-Semisch (Hrsg.): Handbuch Jugendkriminalität. Kriminologie und Sozialpädagogik im Dialog. 2. Auflage 2011, Wiesbaden:VS Verlag/Springer.

Kunkel, Peter-Christian: Jugendhilferecht: Systematische Darstellung für Studium und Praxis.7. Auflage 2013, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Münder, Johannes / Thomas Trenczek: Kinder- und Jugendhilferecht. Eine sozialwissenschaftlich orientierte Einführung. 7. Auflage 2011, Köln: Luchterhand / Wolters Kluwer.

Münder, Johannes / Rüdiger Ernst/Wolfgang Behlert: Familienrecht. Eine sozialwissenschaftlich orientierte Darstellung. 7. Auflage 2013, Baden-Baden: Nomos/UTB.

Nix, Christoph / Winfried Möller: Einführung in das Jugendstrafrecht für die Soziale Arbeit. Stuttgart: UTB 2011.

Lebenswelten von Kindern und Jugendlichen
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 9 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    90 h

  • Self-study

    180 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students are able to analyse different living environments and life situations of children and adolescents and contextualize their knowledge in relation to fields of action in social work. They have an in-depth understanding of the changing conditions under which children and young people grow up and the changing significance of family, school and peers. They are able to relate educational terms and concepts to specific life situations and to conceptually change the associated mechanisms of social inequality. They are able to interpret youth cultural forms of expression as a youthful confrontation with the challenges of modern societies.


Sub-area I focuses empirically and theoretically on generational and family relationships in an immigration society and examines family forms in the context of social development, in particular changing gender relations, and their effects on children and young people.
Sub-area II deals with categories and mechanisms of social inequality in relation to the interdependencies of the education system. In the context of race, class and gender, educational trajectories and processes as well as existing alternatives for reducing existing selection processes are analyzed and further developed.
In sub-area III, youth and media cultural forms of expression are interpreted as characteristics of young people dealing with the challenges of growing up in multi-option societies. This aims at an in-depth examination of explanatory approaches to normality and deviation as well as a critical understanding of the significance of social work in the context of social normalization claims.

Teaching methods

Seminar-based course
Lecture, discussion, group work, presentations, research, critical reflection, excursions

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Term paper or project-related work

The form of examination is determined at the beginning of the semester.

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

2 SL

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master "Social Work: Youth in Theory and Practice"


Riegel, Christine/ Scherr, Albert/ Stauber, Barbara (Hg.) (2010). Trans-disziplinäre Jugendforschung. Grundlagen und Forschungskonzepte.
Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.

Stefan Borrmann 2013, Herausforderungen des Jugendalters. Weinheim; Basel: Beltz Juventa
Groenemeyer, Axel/Hoffmann, Dagmar (Hg.) 2014, Jugend als soziales Problem - soziale Probleme der Jugend? : Diagnosen, Diskurse und Herausforderungen, Weinheim ; Basel : Beltz Juventa

Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren Frauen und Jugend (Hg.) (2013): 14. Kinder- und Jugendbericht. Bericht über die Lebenssituation junger Menschen und die Leistungen der Kinder-und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland. Verlag Deutsches Jugendinstitut

2. Semester of study

Gesundheit und Entwicklung
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 9 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    90 h

  • Self-study

    180 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Sub-area I: Students are familiar with various strategies for maintaining and supporting the health of children, adolescents and their families.

Sub-area II: Students have in-depth knowledge of development processes.

Sub-area III: They are able to understand systems of thought and action in youth welfare and youth psychiatry and to name clinical disorders.


Sub-area I: Health and prevention
Measures to maintain the health and support the health of children, adolescents and their families are addressed both at an individual level and at the level of shaping the environments in which they live and concrete possibilities are discussed within the framework of child and youth welfare. Various health-related topics such as sexuality in childhood and adolescence are explored in depth.

Sub-area II: Development processes
The focus is on developmental processes in childhood and adolescence. Deviant behaviors are discussed particularly with regard to child and youth welfare measures in cooperation with other specialist disciplines. Various topics relevant to child and youth welfare, such as the importance of bonding experiences and external care, are highlighted
Sub-area III: Clinical disorders, especially in childhood and adolescence
Students are able to name clinical disorders, especially in childhood and adolescence, and important educational and therapeutic strategies. In addition, they are familiar with interdisciplinary approaches, e.g. based on the cooperation and networking of child and youth welfare and psychiatry.

Teaching methods

Seminaristic group work, text work, lectures

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Written or oral examination

The form of examination is determined at the beginning of the semester.

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

2 SL

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master "Social Work: Youth in Theory and Practice"


Esser, G (Hrgs) (2008). Lehrbuch der klinischen Psychologie und Psychotherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Stuttgart:Thieme.

Lempp, T.(2010). BASICS. Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. Berlin, München: urban + Fischer bei Elsevier.

Schneider, W. & Lindenberg, U. (Hrsg). (2012). Entwicklungspsychologie. Stuttgart: Beltz.

Kinder- und Jugendhilfe
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 9 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    90 h

  • Self-study

    180 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students have in-depth knowledge of theories and methods based on these theories that guide the actions of public, independent and private commercial youth welfare services. Furthermore, they are familiar with the fields of action of social work in this area and are able to initiate network structures, taking into account interdisciplinary cooperation. They have also acquired the competence to act professionally within the framework of child and youth welfare and to evaluate and reflect on these actions.


In sub-area I, students deal in depth with theoretical ways of thinking and various methodological concepts of child and youth welfare, for example flexible youth welfare, social space orientation, lifeworld orientation as well as concepts based on attachment theory and systemic concepts in the field of educational support. They will be able to classify current research findings in this area and integrate them into their professional thinking and actions.

In sub-area II, they reflect on the fields of action of public, non-profit and private-commercial organizational forms of child and youth welfare. Among other things, students actively deal with child protection, the approaches of early help, school social work, extracurricular educational processes and the various offers of educational assistance (outpatient, (partially) inpatient, flexible).

Subject area III deals with professional action in child and youth welfare. Students can critically and reflectively deal with, for example, the relationship between closeness and distance and aspects of protection against violence in institutions, they learn how to manage key processes in child and youth welfare, master the requirements for successful cooperation between youth welfare and schools as well as the central key qualifications for professional action in these fields of work.

Teaching methods

Seminar-based group work, text and case work, lectures, excursions

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Term paper or oral examination

The form of examination is determined at the beginning of the semester.

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

2 SL

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master "Social Work: Youth in Theory and Practice"


Mascenaere, M. Esser, K., Knab, E., Hiller, S. (Hrsg.) 2014: Handbuch der Hilfen zur Erziehung, Freiburg i.B.

Schröer, W., Struck, N., Wolff, M. (Hrsg.) 2005: Handbuch Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Weinheim und München

3. Semester of study

  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 9 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    90 h

  • Self-study

    180 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students know and master the methods, methodology and procedures of qualitative and quantitative social research. They are able to receive, interpret and critically evaluate empirical work. In addition, they apply empirical methods and procedures independently and are able to develop their own research designs and methodological concepts in the context of youth in the theory and practice of social work. Furthermore, they are able to critically analyze and evaluate the application of methods in their own and third-party research.


Sub-area 06.1: Qualitative methods
Deepening and practicing methods of qualitative or interpretative social research, including survey methods such as interviews, group discussions, observations, videography. Development of methodological aspects as well as deepening and practicing evaluation methods: e.g. documentary method, grounded theory, qualitative content analysis, narrative analysis, objective hermeneutics

Sub-area 06.2: Quantitative methods
Deepening and practicing quantitative social research:
for example, measurement techniques and design/conducting experiments and tests, creating and collecting questionnaires, conducting observations, designing online surveys
. Practising the evaluation of statistically collected data, descriptive and analytical statistics (bivariate and multivariate methods) with the support of corresponding computer-aided programs, for example SPSS.

Sub-area 06.3: Project development
Development of a research design for a question relating to the topic of childhood and youth in preparation for independently conducted research in modules 07 and 09. Consideration of the socio-educational structure / location of the research: participatory research, evaluation, basic research, etc.
Search for a link between the research and a college, university or research institute.

Teaching methods

Lecture, group work, presentations, reports

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Written or oral examination

The form of examination is determined at the beginning of the semester.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master "Social Work: Youth in Theory and Practice"


Amelang, M. & Schmidt-Atzert, L. (2006). Psychologische Diagnostik und Intervention. Berlin: Springer.

Bock, K./Miethe, I (2009): Handbuch qualitative Methoden in der Sozialen Arbeit. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barbara Budrich.

Bortz, J. & Döring, N. (2006). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler. Heidelberg: Springer.

Gollwitzer, M. & Jäger, R. S (2009). Evaluation kompakt. Weinheim: Beltz.

Kleemann, Frank / Krähnke, Uwe / Matuschek, Ingo (2009): Interpretative Sozialforschung. Eine praxisorientierte Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Przyborski, A. / Wohlrab-Saar, M. (2008): Qualitative Sozialforschung. Ein Arbeitsbuch. München: Oldenbourg

Rätz, R. / Völter, B. (Hg.) (2014): Wörterbuch Rekonstruktive Soziale Arbeit. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barbara Budrich

Sedlmeier, P. & Renkewitz, F. (2013). Forschungsmethoden und Statistik in der Psychologie. München: Pearson Studium.

Leitung und Organisation
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 9 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    90 h

  • Self-study

    180 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students in this module are familiar with the key differences in organizational theory between profit and non-profit organizations. They have acquired an in-depth theoretical understanding of organizations and can critically reflect on various organizational theories. They will have expanded their planning and management skills for various management tasks in child and youth welfare services.

and they can reflect on their leadership behavior. Finally, they have in-depth knowledge in the areas of quality management and evaluation. They will be familiar with the basic arguments for impact orientation in social work.


In sub-area I, students expand their theoretical approaches to the topic of "organization". Building on the differences between public, non-profit and private-commercial forms of organization in welfare production, they deepen their theoretical knowledge of organization.
Sub-area II deals with the analysis and development of different concepts of leadership ("leadership styles") and leadership skills. Sub-area III deals with quality development, evaluation and impact orientation in social work. Students can critically reflect on various concepts of quality management (e.g. ISO, EFQM, benchmarking), evaluation and impact orientation and apply them in relation to their field of activity.

Teaching methods

Seminaristic group work, text work, lectures

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Term paper

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

2 SL

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master "Social Work: Youth in Theory and Practice"


Albus, S./Greschke, H./Klingler, B./Messmer, H./Micheel/H.-G./Otto, H.-U./Polutta, A. 2010: Abschlussbericht der Evaluation des Bundesmodellprogramms „Qualifizierung der Hilfen zur Erziehung durch wirkungsorientierte Ausgestaltung der Leistungs-, Entgelt- und Qualitätsvereinbarungen nach §§ 78a ff SGB VIII.“ Münster.

Kühl, St. 2011: Organisationen. Eine sehr kurze Einführung, Wiesbaden,

Merchel, J. 2010: Leitung in der Sozialen Arbeit, Weinheim und München.

Merchel, J. 2005: Organisationsgestaltung in der Sozialen Arbeit, Weinheim und München.

4. Semester of study

Praxisforschung I
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 21 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    60 h

  • Self-study

    570 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Practice research refers to the analysis, evaluation and reflection of social work conditions and possibilities for action. Building on Module 06, students are able to develop a theoretically sound research question and independently plan and carry out a research project. They are able to apply a research method, collect and evaluate data. Multidimensional orientation knowledge from the previous modules of the degree program flows into the research. Practice and research are reflected upon and preconceived convictions are questioned. As part of the module, students qualify at the level of social work practice for planning and carrying out evaluations and reflecting on practical experience. They qualify for an academic career through an in-depth examination of data collection and analysis methods.


Module 07.1 includes practical research lasting 630 hours.
In module 07.2, a research workshop is set up in which students reflect on, analyze, interpret and write up the material they have collected. In addition, students position their practical research project with regard to the conditions and consequences for the addressees, society, the discipline and profession of social work.

Teaching methods

Exchange in research groups, creation of discussion templates, coaching and counseling

Participation requirements

Completion of module 06

Forms of examination

Project-related work

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master Youth in Theory and Practice of Social Work


siehe Modul 06

5. Semester of study

Diversität und Intersektionalität
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    60 h

  • Self-study

    120 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students can explain and reflect on social inequality and diversity using scientific theories and concepts and are able to apply their specialist knowledge to professional activities in social work with children and young people. They can independently develop ideas to counteract social inequality in the context of socio-educational and social work activities and deal with difference/diversity in an accepting manner. Students can define goals for their own development of professional values and reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses with regard to fundamental professional values in the following areas


In sub-area I, categories of social inequality and difference are examined empirically and theoretically and mechanisms of social hierarchization are examined in their effects on children and adolescents. Particular attention is paid to gender and sexual orientation, socio-economic position, migration history and `race' as well as experience of disability.

Sub-area II includes an in-depth examination of the interweaving of these categories in the lives of children and young people (multiple affiliations) and the challenges to identity development. Furthermore, analytical approaches to the interaction of various processes of social inequality and difference are dealt with. Building on this, professional options for action to reduce social inequality and accept diversity are developed.

Teaching methods

Seminaristic group work, text work, lectures

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Project-related work or term paper

The form of examination is determined at the beginning of the semester.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master "Social Work: Youth in Theory and Practice"


Czollek, Leah C. / Perko, Gudrun / Weinbach, Heike (2012): Lehrbuch Gender und Queer. Grundlagen, Methoden und Praxisfelder. Beltz Juventa; Weinhein, Basel.

von Langsdorff, Nicole (Hrsg.) (2014): Jugendhilfe und Intersektionalität. Budrich UniPress; Opladen, Berlin, Toronto.

Walgenbach, Katharina (2014): Heterogenität – Intersektionalität – Diversity in den Erziehungswissenschaften. Budrich; Opladen, Toronto.

Walgenbach, Katharina / Dietze, Gabriele / Hornscheidt, Antje / Palm, Kerstin (2007): Gender als interdependente Kategorie. Neue Perspektiven auf Intersektionalität, Diversität und Heterogenität. Budrich; Opladen, Farmington Hills.

Praxisforschung II
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 15 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    60 h

  • Self-study

    390 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students are able to present their research project orally and in writing, present results and evaluate the process. The experiences gained during the research internship represent a gain for the professional habitus. As part of the module, students qualify at the level of social work practice for practice and concept development as well as science-based counseling and the implementation of social science-based case analyses. Social science case analysis skills, such as those acquired in the setting of research-based learning, contribute to the in-depth qualification of professional action. They qualify for an academic career through the conceptualization of research designs, the examination of methodological and scientific theoretical principles and with regard to the skills of scientific writing through to publication strategies.


The research workshop set up in module 07.2 is continued.
The students try out feedback procedures for the results in practice and write up the findings in a research report. The students validate their research findings in a professional discourse as part of the research workshop. In addition, students position their practical research project with regard to the conditions and consequences for the addressees, society, the discipline and profession of social work.

In Module 07 or 09, students have attended a scientific conference or a (section) meeting of a scientifically relevant professional society of social work (SL).

Teaching methods

Exchange in research groups, creation of discussion templates, coaching and counseling

Participation requirements

Completion of module 07

Forms of examination

Term paper

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

Master Youth in Theory and Practice of Social Work


Siehe Modul 06

Notes and references

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