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Building materials technology laboratory

Opening hours

Changed every semester depending on the course; appointments arranged in advance


The Building Materials Technology Laboratory is part of the Construction Technology. Laboratories in which various mechanical, physical and chemical properties of materials are researched and tested. Students develop and produce exhibits and prototypes from the most relevant and innovative building materials in their semester and final theses. The building materials technology course focuses on promoting an intuitive understanding of building materials and their possible applications in architecture. In addition to knowledge of building materials, prospective architects are taught how to deal scientifically with issues relating to building materials. Students are thus able to independently and systematically research and apply the properties, areas of application and processing methods of building materials.


At the heart of the building materials technology laboratory are various testing machines for carrying out a wide range of material and construction material tests as well as an extensive collection of materials consisting of product samples and digital and printed information for use in teaching and research.


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