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Prof. Emra Ilgün-Birhimeoglu, Dr.
Office hours

If you have questions about assignments in K01 and/or W02, please visit one of the following online consultation hours:
If you have questions about a term paper in K01 and/or W02 because you have registered it with me, please visit one of the following online consultation hours. Due to the high demand, I can only offer individual consultation hours in exceptional cases:
1 appointment: 21.11.2024, 10-10.45 am:
2nd appointment: 17.01.2025, 10-10.45 am:
Meeting link:

Online collective consultation hour for the oral exam in W06: 20.12.2024, 9-10 am:

For all other questions, please book a consultation online. You can book an appointment with me via this link:

To discuss your BA or MA thesis, you can make use of the following appointments:

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Florian Freimuth

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