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Time to act

  • Text "Time to act" on the mural at Fachhochschule Dortmund's Sonnenstraße campus

Design of the mural at the Fachhochschule Dortmund on the Sonnenstraße campus.

Time to act: The climate catastrophe and the extinction of species no longer leave us much room for maneuver. "Our home is on fire." A look into the future shows increasing conflicts and crises, the supposed emergency exit is bricked up. If we want to safeguard the lives of future generations on Earth, we must act now and be courageous.

The window for change is still open. Looking into the crystal ball promises hope for a bright green future, not a dark gray one. We need to restructure our nature-destroying Business Studies in order to exist with nature - and not against it.

As an educational institution, Fachhochschule Dortmund has a great influence on research into innovative technologies, but also on the education of many young people. People who, with ideals and confidence, can drive social and Business Studies change towards a shared awareness of sustainability. When we share knowledge, it becomes more; and change grows from this knowledge. Through its role, the UAS also has a great responsibility, of which it is aware. It holds up a mirror to itself and reflects critically on its actions.

The mural was designed by students and employees of Fachhochschule Dortmund in September 2022 and then applied to the wall with the artists David Kory (die Urbanisten e.V.) and Paul Manzey.

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Joline-Michelle Tillmann (CSR Office)

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