Talents: #humor #maker
Wish talents: #wordiness #eatingwithouttaking
currently on parental leave
Cornelia von Soosten
Mon - Thu 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Talents: #communicationiseverything #creativehead
Wish talents: #hablarespanol #comicsdrawing
Talents: #captainoptimism #creativespirit
Wish talents: #singing #speaking japanese
Talents: #language #perseverance
Wish talents: #evendownshifting gears #sportswithoutage
Contact person for social media/communication
Responsible for "FiT - Promotion of individual talents"
Talents: #alternativejuggling #structureandcommitment
Wish talents: #simultaneouslyspeakingandwriting #mindmappingartist
Talents: #empathy #positive thinking
Wish talents: #haveagreenthumb #turnoffyourheadoften
Project office
Talents: #multifunctional #italiancookingwiemamma
Wish talents: #know how to sew better #exercise serenity