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European Master in Project Management

Schnelle Fakten

  • Fachbereich

  • Abschlussgrad

    Master of Arts (M.A.)

  • Regelstudienzeit

    3/4 Semester

  • Semesterbeitrag

    299,40 €

  • Unterrichtssprache


  • Zulassung

    NC mit Mindestnote von 2,3 und besser

  • Studienbeginn


  • Bewerbung EU-Staatsbürger

    Wintersemester: Mitte Mai bis 15.7.

  • Bewerbung Nicht-EU-Staatsbürger

    Wintersemester: Anfang April bis 15.6.

Worum geht's?

Please note that with the start of the winter semester 2024/2025, the two programs, EuroMPM-General Project Management and EuroMPM-IT, will be merged. Therefore, applicants only need to apply for one of the programs. For additional information about the study plan, please have a look at the curriculum of the EuroMPM-IT program. Enrollment is available to students, who aquired knowledge in IT and/or project management (PM), and/or business administration during their Bachelor's studies.

The degree program is a consecutive application-oriented degree program.
Accordingly, admission requires a first graduate degree imparting professional skills (bachelor’s degree or (German) Diplom). The criteria for an application-oriented degree program are met both with regard to content and by the lecturers’ quality as these have experience in the job-specific application of academic findings in addition to their academic qualification.

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