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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund



Computer science

"TeamSpace" is a creative space and retreat


Very satisfied with their TeamSpace: the project team and employees of the Faculty of Computer Science.

Room B.2.09 is no stranger to the staff of the Faculty of Computer Science. Between the workbench, projector and coffee machine, team meetings and project meetings have always been improvised here. "We simply lacked a space for ourselves, a retreat for creative work," says Daniel Hofberg, research assistant at the faculty. That's exactly what room B.2.09 wants to be now. B.2.09, the former AI lab, is now called TeamSpace.

The first thing you notice is the small sofa corner with the plush octopus doors. A bit of carpet, a nice table. The TeamSpace feels different. Different from an office. Different - but really good. The new concrete-look floor has style and offers hidden power charging points. The conference table is modular and flexible. Smartboard, camera and microphone system are standard in the faculty and can also be found here. The TeamSpace can be used in a variety of ways. Alone and in a team, for creative brainstorming, concentrated work, for sports during the break express or even for chilling out.

"In order for us to concentrate on our core task 'We Focus on Students', we need spaces to retreat to," says Chancellor Svenja Stepper at the opening of the TeamSpace on September 12, 2024. Big tasks can be solved better and more easily in a team. "The diversity of employees who contribute and bring together their knowledge and ideas is what sets this university apart," says the Chancellor.

"Innovation needs creativity, creativity needs space"

The TeamSpace

Prof. Dr. Franz Vogler, Vice-Rector for Sustainability and Digitalization, encourages other faculties to take up the idea and spirit of TeamSpace. "Change needs innovation, innovation needs creativity and for that you need the right space," says Franz Vogler. The Innovation Lab at the faculty is another example of this.Unlike the Innovation Lab, however, the TeamSpace is not dedicated to teaching, but to employees.

"Here we have the opportunity to meet in person again," says Daniel Hofberg. Due to hybrid working, too many meetings have recently taken place solely in front of a laptop monitor. In the TeamSpace, employees now have the technology to network meetings in a hybrid way - together in the office and at home. "We've already been meeting here a lot more often," says Daniel Hofberg. He is confident that the TeamSpace will enable healthier and better working.

The TeamSpace of the Faculty of Computer Science was co-created by: Daniel Hofberg, Fernanda Nunes Trautmann, Rusudan Schulenberg, Sarah Stahl and Alparslan Kirman.