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VKII Ruhr District e.V.

Who or what do we stand up for?

Our voluntary work is committed to equal opportunities and educational equality regardless (!) of religious or ethnic background. Only through genuine participation can equal opportunities and educational equality reach everyone. We focus on Black people, the African/African diasporic community and marginalized groups, as well as diasporic communities in general, often within the Ruhr district.

How do we do that?

Through mentoring & counseling, as well as by creating safe(r) spaces, we try to strengthen empowerment(-processes) and pave ways to multiply society as a whole.

Also by sharing expertise in the technological and digital field, as well as offering and creating spaces for exchange and networking. The needs of our community are constantly changing and we want to meet them through cohesion and volunteer work. Our project focuses are: Empowerment & participation - Youth work - Tech & knowledge promotion - Adult education - Sustainable development.

How can you get involved?

  • Vitamin P opportunity sponsorship project (examples: helping young people with contacts to find an apprenticeship as a mentor/starting an entrepreneurship with others as a mentee during their studies/offering tutoring or IT courses for Dortmund students as a mentor and/or mentee)
  • Youth work (examples: creative identity project 'Mein Dortmund', language education for children 'FIT in Deutsch', STEM subject education 'Kinder for Future')

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent; occasional; one-off;

Become a volunteer and help with open events during the week/on weekends

  • Participation or own initiative in/with workshops
  • Become an intern
  • Other possibilities

What can we always use - what do we need?

  • People who enjoy and/or have knowledge of graphic/web design
  • Volunteers with weekend/afternoon capacities
  • Organizational talents
  • Helping hands
  • Interested people

How can you contact us?

E-mail: hello(a)vkii-ruhrbezirk.de
Phone: 0231 99214990
Website: https://www.vkii-ruhrbezirk.de

Mechtildstraße 23,
44379 Dortmund

What else we have to say

Many actors from African communities volunteer to help young people and families of African origin because they cannot find suitable services in the established structures and organizational forms.

Notes and references