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Student sponsors Dortmund e.V.

Who or what do we stand up for?

We arrange and supervise 1:1 educational mentorships between volunteers and pupils from immigrant families.

The aim of the sponsorships is to improve educational opportunities through individual and free tutoring and to promote social cohesion through diverse encounters - all under the motto "Learning from each other. Understanding each other."

How do we do that?

Our volunteer mentors help to improve the often challenging learning situation. They accompany the pupils for at least six months through weekly meetings with the families. In trusting relationships, the mentors can contribute to the pupils' educational success and strengthen the children's self-confidence.

How can you get involved?

As a mentor, you can support children and young people in their school career and with everyday issues.

A wide range of tasks also await you in the four organizational departments: Placement & Support, Training & Events, Public Relations and Fundraising. Here you can carry out organizational activities, contribute your own ideas and take on responsibility.

Permanent: Flexible collaboration in the organization team in the various departments

Occasional: Accompany sponsored children once a week for at least 6 months

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent; occasional; one-off

What can we always use - what do we need?

We are always happy to welcome volunteers who would like to strengthen our organization team or accompany a sponsored child as a sponsor.

Financial support.

How can you contact us?

E-mail: info(a)schuelerpaten-dortmund.de
Website: https://schuelerpaten-dortmund.de/

P.O. Box 103418,
44034 Dortmund

What else we have to say

Our team currently consists of 20 students and professionals who take on various organizational tasks within the association.

We look forward to welcoming new team members! :)

Notes and references