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SCHLAU Dortmund

Who or what do we stand up for?

We are an educational and anti-discrimination project on the topic of LGBTIANPQ+.

We offer workshops in schools, youth centers and other educational institutions. At the heart of SCHLAU is the exchange and discussion between young people and our volunteer teamers, all of whom belong to the LGBTIANPQ+ spectrum themselves.

How do we do that?

Using pedagogical methods and evaluated concepts, we introduce the topics of sexual, romantic and gender diversity in our workshops in a low-threshold and unagitated manner. We talk about life realities and biographies, coming out, experiences of discrimination, prejudices and role models.

How can you get involved?

Are you queer yourself and have the time and desire to give workshops in schools 1-2 times a month in the mornings? The workshops usually last 2-3 hours and are always run by at least two teamers. Participation in further training, involvement in a great team and national network.

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?


What can we always use - what do we need?

Teamers for the implementation of workshops in schools/educational institutions

How can you contact us?

E-Mail: schlau(a)slado.de
Phone: 0178 8389749
Website: https://dortmund.schlau.nrw/kontakt/

Hansastrasse 20-22,
44137 Dortmund

What else we have to say

We are very much looking forward to hearing from you!

We would be happy to arrange an appointment with you for a non-binding introductory meeting :)

Notes and references