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Project Ankommen e.V.

Who or what do we stand up for?

For refugees in Dortmund

How do we do that?

We support people in the following areas

  1. arranging sponsorships,
  2. language support
  3. help with moving out,
  4. Events & campaigns,
  5. health,
  6. sport,
  7. work & education.

How can you get involved?

The association works on a purely voluntary basis and is always happy to welcome new members.

Anyone interested can get in touch by phone or email. The association's services are presented in a personal meeting. Everyone can get involved according to their skills, possibilities and resources.

The individual groups are always happy to receive support. Each group has a contact person who is available to answer questions and provide further information.

In addition, all groups meet regularly to exchange information.

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent; occasional; one-off

What can we always use - what do we need?

Volunteers in all working groups.

How can you contact us?

E-Mail: contact(a)projekt-ankommen.de
Phone: 0176/43697149
Website: https://projekt-ankommen.de

Elisabethstraße 5,
44139 Dortmund

Notes and references