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Nutrition Council Dortmund and Resion e.V.

Who or what do we stand up for?

For the food transition in Dortmund and the region

How do we do that?

We work in various working groups on different topics related to nutrition.

How can you get involved?

We have monthly get-togethers (every 2nd Wednesday of the month) where you can get to know each other and then work together on the topics in the working groups.

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent; occasional; one-off

What can we always use - what do we need?

People who want to volunteer their time to work on nutrition issues and make a difference in Dortmund and the region.

How can you contact us?

E-mail: info(a)ernaehrungsrat-dortmund.de
Website: https://ernaehrungsrat-dortmund.de

Brunnenstraße 17,
44145 Dortmund

Notes and references