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Whether teaching, research or transfer, a university cannot operate without administrative and technical processes. The University of Applied Sciences has set out to organize its operations in a social and ecological way.

In the operation of a university, there are important areas in which the university can and must implement its responsible approach to sustainability aspects. In particular, the areas of energy and the environment, resources and mobility, the introduction of risk management and the sustainable promotion and support of university members should be mentioned here. With regard to energy and the environment, Fachhochschule Dortmund has taken the first steps towards recording and controlling emissions and consumption values. In the area of resources, there are activities which, for example, reduce paper consumption, focus on avoiding and reducing waste and provide for the efficient use of materials through reusability. Measures for sustainable mobility deal with offers for all members of the university and create incentives to increasingly refrain from using a private car. One focus of operational sustainability at Fachhochschule Dortmund is on measures for sustainable employment relationships for university members.

Excerpts from the 1st Sustainability Report of Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts