HAR event series "Target region Asia"
04.10.2022: Workshop "Internationalization@Home: The intercultural course concept 'get_connected' of the China Centre of the HTWG Konstanz"
26.09.2022: Workshop "Building and promoting China competence for students"
24.05.2022: Information event "Legal framework conditions for university cooperation with the People's Republic of China"
18.05.2022: Workshop "Indo-Pacific Knowledge Region - Opportunities and Challenges for German HAW"
22.02.2022: Kick-off workshop "University cooperation with the People's Republic of China"
HRK-BMBF event series "Framework conditions for successful cooperation with China"
The previous dates of the event series for universities
Events of the DAAD Competence Center for International Scientific Cooperation (KIWi) on the Asian region
30.09.2022, KIWi Connect: China - Cooperation in the field of tension
23.09.2022, KIWi Connect: Cooperation perspective 'South China'
08.09.2022, KIWi Policy Talk: Dual-use in international scientific cooperation: Implications for practice
23.06.2022, KIWi Connect: Vietnam - Good potentials of a rapidly developing higher education market
14.06.2022, KIWi Policy Talk "Together for climate protection? Prospects and challenges in research cooperation with China"
28.04.2022, KIWi Connect: Diverse Japan. Intensification of scientific cooperation
07.04.2022, KIWi Connect: Two years of a state of emergency. Partnership and exchange programs with China during the pandemic - Quo Vadis?
04.11.2021, KIWi Policy Talk "Indo-Pacific Guidelines of the Federal Government: New Opportunities for Scientific Cooperation"
Your contact for further documents and information
Write an e-mail to Dr. Susanne Stein and you will receive access to download further documents and information on the above-mentioned events.