Writing the Dortmund social blog:
Ute Fischer
Professor of Social Sciences, sociologist and economist, political scientist and empiricist. She passionately follows the basic income debate and pays close attention when poverty grows, when mistrust and fears jeopardize social cohesion, when experiences of meaning become precarious, when politics becomes alienated from life and discursive fronts harden. But also when new forms of solidarity become visible, when boldness allows the improbable to succeed, when the proportion of women in male domains increases and young people bring new ideas into the world. An incorrigible optimist when looking at and shaping the future.
Dierk Borstel
Professor of practice-oriented political science. Observes the changing threats to democratic culture and constitutional structures in East and West, looking at misanthropic attitudes in the center of society, extremist aspirations of all kinds, local democratic resources and the socially and politically unheard, e.g. in housing and homelessness. Democracy thrives on commitment and needs a minimum level of integration, which is not reflected in the feature pages of major newspapers, but in concrete solidarity with the supposedly weak. He is also an incorrigible optimist when it comes to tackling social transformation in practice.
our topics in research and teaching, about ongoing projects and new ideas, mature and immature, about observations in current events and finds from new and old specialist literature.
all interested parties, first and foremost students and alumni, but also practice partners and colleagues in and outside the company.