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The library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund

Library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund



"Fachwissen zum Mittag" online lecture series

In the online lecture series "Fachwissen zum Mittag", organized by the library in cooperation with the Graduate Center, experts offer insights into important topics - short and to the point.

Digitization is expanding the possibilities - but also the pitfalls - of publishing. "Publish or perish" has long ceased to apply without restriction. If you want to position yourself in the scientific community by placing scientific articles, you need to build up extensive knowledge, know the rules of the publishing world and always keep a critical eye.

In 2024, eight online lectures on various topics related to scientific publishing will take place as part of the series, usually lasting 45 minutes (unless otherwise specified). Afterwards, there will be plenty of opportunity for discussion. The event always starts at 12 noon. The target group is primarily all (young) researchers at Fachhochschule Dortmund, but external interested parties are also welcome.

Planning for the lectures in 2024 is still ongoing. For this reason, only rough dates are currently given for some of the events. This year's selection of topics is based on the results of an online survey of doctoral students regarding their wishes for the series. As soon as more specific information on the dates, content and speakers is available, it will be published here. You are welcome to register now using the form at the bottom of this page.

The lectures: Dates, contents, speakers


All registered persons will receive Webex invitations to all lectures and additionally a reminder on the day of the event. In addition, we only send further e-mails with important information in very rare cases. You are not registering for the events via this registration form, but are expressing your interest in the series and the access data for the lectures. This is also possible at any time after the start of the series.

If at any time you are no longer interested in receiving invitations and information about the lecture series, please contact us (see contact details below). We will then remove you from the mailing list.

To make it easier to plan, we ask you to confirm or cancel your attendance at the Webex meetings.

Registration form "Fachwissen zum Mittag"

I am particularly interested in the following lectures from the 2024 program:

I would like presentations on the following topics:

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments about the lecture series, please contact the library by e-mail: bibfh-dortmundde