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Alumni Fachhochschule Dortmund




Seven questions for Tobias Lohf


Tobias Lohf studied "Film and Sound" at the Faculty of Design. Today he works as a film producer.

Which company do you work for?
During my studies, I founded two film production companies with friends, Outside the Club GmbH and Stratoflights GmbH & Co KG. I am the founder and managing director of both.

What is your job?
With Outside the Club, we have specialized in the production of fiction material, i.e. I try to find project partners such as broadcasters or streamers for our material ideas and get the films off the ground. We have also set ourselves up as a VFX studio and support feature films and series. My job is to coordinate the projects, acquire new projects, build up the company and the team and basically make sure that everything runs smoothly.

What does your typical working day look like?
There is hardly a typical working day for me, as the projects are so varied and there are always new challenges waiting for us. Basically, I try to find a good balance between working on the company and working in the company. I think my most important activities are Project management, team leadership, marketing, business management and pitching new projects.

What moments do you particularly appreciate in your job?
The great thing about my job is that we work on a project basis and are always able to complete great projects that we can be proud of as a team. Seeing what a well-coordinated team is capable of is simply amazing. And when a new feature film is finished after years of work, it's definitely something to look back on with pride.

What is your superpower?
I think what sets me apart is my ability to work for opportunities, to keep at it, then recognize them and take advantage of them. I see myself as a team player and always try to achieve the best possible results for our team and build a film production that makes our team proud. It takes a lot of hard work and a bit of luck, but I like the quote " luck is the result of years of preparation".

How did your career start go and what is your tip for our students?
My career start actually went very smoothly, as I started my own business while I was still studying. And I can really recommend this to anyone who wants to work as a freelancer or founder after graduation. You can gain valuable experience and your first clients without having to jump through hoops and then you're already so well prepared after graduation that it's no longer a leap in the dark.

What is your best memory from your time studying at Fachhochschule Dortmund?
I originally come from East Westphalia-Lippe and the region is not necessarily considered a media stronghold. So it was all the better for me when I started my studies in Dortmund and then met lots of like-minded people who had the same interests, the same goals and the same energy. That gave me extreme motivation and encouraged me to continue on my path.

Further information:
Outside the Club is a film production and visual effects studio from Wuppertal. We are known for our series Wishlist, which won the German Television Award and the Grimme Award, among others. We also work as a VFX studio for projects such as the Netflix series How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast).

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Here, other alumni answer seven questions about their career entry and everyday working life.